In our home we've been a little up and down health-wise, and I blame the job search. When one is stressed, one's defenses are definitely down, and we've been stressed. Liz is running the big Blue and Gold Banquet tonight for the Cub Scouts, and I've been plugging away, and the weather's been cold, so the boys can't always go outside to play. You know, all the normal things that make life so exciting; alas, there must have been something that was just a little too much this time. Liz and Joshua both spent the night romancing the toilet, and Daddy spent the evening consoling them and changing sheets and clothes for the little one. He's tired, but I think he's going to survive. On the up side, he still has sick days to burn, so he took one today to help bake blondies, organize decorations and serve food for tonight. He doesn't mind at all, and it means extra time with his favorite boys and the woman of his dreams.
The sad part is that I won't be driving to work today and calling someone to chat. I finally caught Michelle during a not crazy moment yesterday and we had a lovely chat; Michelle we miss you! We are, in every way, looking forward to Spring Break—we need some time away to play. Only three more weeks and we'll head to the East Coast for what promises to be good times! We were supposed to be in South Africa, but since that dream has been forever snatched from us, we'll visit family instead. We're still thinking about an early summer road trip to Utah as well, but we have to wait and see what the next few months yield for us before we lay anything in concrete.
So, my break is over now and I need to get the laundry put away. Nothing makes my sick honey happier than a clean house! More posts, please!
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