28 September 2011

Oh so random thought

You know how my head is always empty and I have nothing running through my mind or constantly troubling me?...... Ha Ha Ha. Don't we all wish. So, it was in this empty headedness I came up with a random thought. I can't wait to hear the responses.

When we put aquatic animals in tanks, are they fulfilling the measure of their creation?

Yep, that was it. Laugh it up. Just a little blurp from this crazy head of mine. Have at it!

25 September 2011


Joshua is a great example to me of how to enjoy every moment of life. After sacrament meeting today we all had to move out of his way, so he could get to his primary class as soon as possible. No matter what it is that we are doing he is always excited and ready to go (well, unless it is cleaning, but even then sometimes he surprises me). I just got this picture today and it showed exactly what I expected of Joshua at all times. Now if only I can be that enthusiastic about life and enjoy every second maybe I would be just as happy as he is. President Uchtdorf talked a little about this last night as well and if you haven't listened to his talk yet, well, then do because it was AMAZING! He reminded me not say things like, 'when ____ then I'll be happy or content or excited'. But I need to do it now and not wait! I need to enjoy every moment with my kids and with James, so hopefully I can do a better job of following Joshua's example this week!

22 September 2011

Pear Butter

So did you know that pear butter takes like 12 hours to cook...who new...okay maybe you guys did. I will be starting tomorrows batch much much earlier so that I don't have to be processing delicious foods at ridiculous hours. (Take note of time sent...it's legit) I have bottled 65 quarts of pears...hope they last 14 pints of raspberry jam, raspberry peach freezer jam, and of course pear butter. Obviously, given my naivety of the time frame the pear butter is a first for me. I think it's good but maybe not amazing. (Sorry Marquie, I know you had your heart sent on amazing). I will try one more batch with a little spice boost action I think it's going to work out. I'm pretty sure I used too many pears last time. I did actually go to bed at like 12:30 then set the alarm for two. Only 17 more minutes and it's back to bed for me. Love you all and if you know of an amazing pear butter recipe call me ASAP. (Actually maybe if you could wait until after 7:30am my time that would be great cause you know I'll still be in bed.)

16 September 2011

Time with the Workmans

After our wonderful and successful Women's Weekend, I got to spend a few more days with the Workman extended family. I got to see Aunt Judy and some of her family, Emy and even Rosie (my cousin) and her family.

Monday, Grandpa and Grandma and I took a trip to Smithfield via Brigham City and saw two of the homes of my youth. Grandpa took pictures of the homes, I took pictures of the park behind our home...

Everything seemed smaller than I remembered it.

On our way home, we drove by the Logan Temple and stopped at Mike and Kathy's for dinner....It was a fun day, and I'm glad I got to spend it with Grandpa and Grandma, cuz the rest of the week was spent with all the Workman family, and that was delightful also.Oh yes, and through the whole time, I got to meet and get to know.....Patrick.

Women's Weekend '11

Okay James. Here you go. First of all, our appointed historian did not ever have her camera and missed about half of the weekend--sad for her, sad for us. And, the default historian (me) did a lousy job. But, here's what we have....

Lest you think Heather didn't join us for this weekend, SHE DID. This is the Sunday afternoon picture we took, just before everyone left, except Heather, who left early a.m. We do have a picture, unfortunately on Grandpa's camera, with Heather, but not with Marquie. We never did take one with all of us. (I will add that picture to this blog if and when Grandpa sends it.)

We did have a fantastic time together and all voted we'd do it again, and again. But not during school time so we don't miss Marquie. And, we felt bad for our husbands, not because they weren't there, and not because they had to tend the kids...we did miss them (our husbands)....but because they can't seem to get the same opportunity.

We had a lovely trip to the temple, unfortunately I didn't take my camera. And our sharing time was fantastic, possibly life-changing for most of us.
There was lots of this...
And, lots of this...
And we all felt renewed and wanted it to go on and on.

It's been a week . . .

So, it's been a week and no one has recorded Women's Weekend '11. Hello? Did anyone take photos or have anything to share? Who was your designated historian? I'll check around my place and see if anyone knows anything. You should all do the same. It would be fun to hear about it from all perspectives.

12 September 2011

On Hallowed Ground

It is amazing to me to continue to read stories like this. Take the time, it's worth it.

On Hallowed Ground

06 September 2011

Jalapeños!!! What to do with them?

Marquie made me feel guilty, so here goes nothin! In our beautiful, flourishing garden we ended up with many jalapeños. Many, many
jalapeños! So, what to do with them? Candy them of course and then can them! So, now we have super yummy candied jalapeños. Now we just need an occasion to use them!

Mother/Daughters Weekend Here We Come

So, Heather's plane lands here in less than an hour. We are gathering!!!!!


SERIOUSLY, Children!

Where are you guys?! I think it's slightly ridiculous that I have now posted 3 times in a row and it's been almost a week since I last posted. I NEVER post! Don't you guys know that? Yes you do. So come now, what does that say about the lock of bloggity on this family blog? Well, I just feel inclined to put up a picture of my currentness. So I took one on my computer. Sitting right outside the Wilk/BYU Bookstore. Enjoy my beautiful face. :P just kidding. I can't really see the picture great because it's so bright out here... But I have awesome earrings and my hair is pretty cool today! (There's a pretty braid nice on top that you probably can't see so I tell you. oh you can kinda see something!)