30 September 2008


So, I just walked down the mountain and back up again. Down wasn't bad, but back up....it feels like my heart is beating out of my chest! Maybe, my heart rate is a little above what it should be! However, it only took us (Marquie and I) 2 more minutes to go up then it did to go down! WAHOO!!! The last 5 feet of the driveway were definitely the hardest! I am sweating, but happy:)! Marquie will follow up with scenery pictures.....(32 minute walk, by the way)! Much harder than the treadmill!

27 September 2008

Farm Day!

Today we went to the MU South Farms Showcase and enjoyed a plethora of activities including wagon rides, animal petting, fish feeding, corn mazes, cockroach races, Border Collie training (for sheep herding) and wool spinning.  It was wonderful beautiful, and free.  This photo is from our edible insects stop on the tour.  One of the big time entomologists from MU (and a member of our Stake) had a great booth on edible bugs and Jacob, Joshua and I all had one.  They were meal worms, purchased from our local pet store.  They are nutritious, high in iron, and pack a healthier calorie punch than wheat or corn.  Mine were also coated in cinnamon and sugar.  The queasier members of our group abstained.  Michael likes to be with animals, not eat bugs.  Here's a couple of bug eating shots for you.

23 September 2008

photos mom promised

well here they are: marquie is doing this....and took the pictures....but mom did tell me where to go.... i'm sorry they are so bad....i'm not sure why.... ????? but you get the general idea.. if you click on them, they are better!!!

22 September 2008

Baby Julia and Children

New Home

Well, after a week of unpacking boxes, our home is nearly put together. It is a beautiful thing, and...may I say, a beautiful home. Surprisingly, all our stuff has fit in rather nicely in this lovely huge home. There is a little more space between things, but it still looks lovely.

There are a few things we are missing to make it complete, a few large area rugs, a dining room table (our former dining room table looks incredible in the huge kitchen and our former kitchen table has been relegated, in a broken down form, to the basement, for now--it may enjoy another life as a large coffee table in the third floor media room) and a couple of sets of bunkbeds for grandkids.

There are random boxes stacked here and there (and a whole mess of them in the basement, full and empty), but we (I unpack and Dad takes care of the empty boxes) can keep working on that.
Oh, I almost forgot, the garage is totally unusable as a garage. Maybe at some point Dad will have time to take care of that (but until we have to scrape frost from our car windows, it just doesn't seem to be a priority).

Dad, Marquie and I have officially been put to work in the ward. As the YM/YW Presidents. (Even now it makes me laugh, just to write it down.) and Marquie as the seminary class president.

Even though we anticipate being very busy in our lives, we feel that big empty of this beautiful home and beg you all...COME VISIT!!!!!!

21 September 2008


We've decided that we refuse to live in our house if it doesn't feel like home, so yesterday we hauled out our photos, made some selections and proceeded to hang all over the place.  It was awesome.  I even purchased a little something for our entry.

Maybe after I get the headboard hung I'll consider another video tour.  Or, as a second option, everyone could come visit after Christmas?  I like that idea . . .

20 September 2008

oh my gosh

i had a downfall.

no really...

it was BAD!!!

i have sunk to the southern pits...

here goes:

I was talking to my friend, and i'm letting her borrow my dress for homecoming, and we were talking, and i was joking around, and this is what i said:

"you can't borrow my dress no more"

I have sunk low....
i just can't even tell you. It was a VERY sad moment in my life.
I'm still sad
I just can't even believe it.
oh my.....

please still love me!

mom's acting like i swore horridly or something! (although, it's almost like i did, i guess....) I just had bad grammar for a minute, okay? (and one other time, but not quite that bad! I said nothin' instead of anything.)

Anyways, i love you all...or if you would prefer...ya'll. i'm startin' to say it alot now. oh my.... :D

18 September 2008

Den Leader

For some reason no one wants to be a den leader at church.  I think for myself I was avoiding the unknown.  As the Primary president I very quickly delegated scouting to my second counselor and perpetuated my ignorance.  Well, tonight I held my first den meeting.  My boys are honorary members--when it is in your home I think that is appropriate, but they loved it!  We even had a neighborhood boy come and join us.  Look at us doing missionary work!  We baked cookies and discussed the food pyramid.  Yes, I get the irony which we discussed but it was great fun and now I have cookies to take to a sister in the ward who just had a baby!  And yes I told the boys that is what I was doing with the cookies.  Fun, learning, missionary work and service all is one day!  Look at us go!  I think this is going to be great fun!

16 September 2008


So, life continues on here. My test results said suck it up and find a different problem. Whatever. Joe should hear tomorrow. For those of you who don't know, yes we have a cat. Senef, I think. People are still debating. Whatever, my kids are happy the shelter isn't going to kill her. Aahhhh, the things it takes to be a good mom. She is very well behaved and already trained. She showed up on our doorstep Sunday in the pouring rain. She immediately wrapped around April's leg, (smart cat), meowing something fierce. I let her in, oh what was I thinking. Well..... she's still here. She is on a one week trial bases. We will make a final decision Sunday. If she can't stay, we will find her a nice home with someone in our ward. Plenty of farms, not enough cats!

For clarification, Joe's blog was not a dream. Carefull Jodi, this is one of those Joe moments. He simply made up the story to tell you about his unpleasant procedure in a humorous way. Yes, I know. He thinks a little um...... out of the box? You gotta love him. He made me laugh.

School continues to go well for all. Joe has officially petitioned for graduation and owes the school no more money!!!! (Course we'll be paying student loans till the end of time) BLAH!

The kids had a hay day out in Ike's rain. I think we got somewhere between 5 and 7 inches. Ethan made extra sure Collin was having a great time by pouring mud all over him. They all had a great time and all took showers when they were done! I don't have a camera, but we did take a video. As soon as I get a chance, I'll have Joe post it! Love you all. I ate too many brownies. (They were good!)

Did We Just Leave This?

Good Evening All,
I know that photos are supposed to be on Friday but well, I just didn't want to wait for the weekend. We have had two very busy days here in Virginia. The movers were 2.5 hours late yesterday and had to shuttle everything to the house. Meaning they had to unload it from the tractor/trailer into another truck and then unload that truck at the house. They were a very good crew and cared for our worldly goods very well. However, because of the delay and the additional shuttle we were not done until 19:00 and the only things we really got unpacked were the beds. It was wonderful to sleep in my bed and be with my family. Yes, Marquie sat on our bed and talked for a bit. Oh how I have missed that. No fireplace in the master bedroom but it is spacious and will afford opportunities for many such chats.

Today has also been a very long day. Mom and I have spent the day unpacking. We were successful with the kitchen, master bedroom and bath and that is about all. It is starting to feel like home. There is a good spirit here. We do hope we have the opportunity to share this Virginia experience with each of you.

The picture is from O'Hare last week, before the remnants of Ike got there. Yes, they are plowing water to get it to the drains. Put a bit of a damper on operations. Love you all and look forward to your blogs. Love Dad.


Giant Redwood


Rush Limbaugh has an ear infection


Lawn sprinkler rotating 360 degrees


Senef is kinda cute and cuddly.

I need and explanation.......Please!!!!!

14 September 2008






white ankle socks with your suit and dress shoes


i got some great new mascara that i absolutely love

12 September 2008

Photo Friday!

This is from our camping tonight.  Stupid rain.  We'll have to try again next week maybe.

Back to Photo Fridays...


10 September 2008

Weird Dream

I had a dream....I was just like out of a sci-fi movie. The details are still some what hazy. I was abducted by aliens. Not just any aliens though. These aliens were shape shifters and they took on a human form. The corridors of there ship were long and white. These aliens apparently thought that the music of Barry Manilow being pumped through the ship was calming music to their abductees. Will aliens ever learn? Anyway, I knew what the aliens wanted, but how they got that information was unknown to me. The knowledge in my brain was not going to be given up that easily. I was stripped of my clothes and was made to wear this skimpy thin gown that barely came up to me knees. I thought it odd this form of torture, but it was working. With my hands attentively covering myself up, I was not able fend off their advances. I was placed onto a table with bright lights and monitors everywhere. The aliens started asking me questions. Simple questions. They wanted information on my family...on my friends. There must of been some drug pumped into the air because I readily gave up that information. That was too easy for them, and I could see the smug looks on their faces. I was not about to let them win. I would make it harder to extract more sensitive information. Possibly seeing the new determination in my face, I was forced to watch the aliens mix a large bag of white "truth serum". This serum was attached to a funny looking device a little longer and thicker than a pull and peel twizzler. I only assumed that I would be required to drink it and that the "twizzler" was the straw. I forcefully closed my mouth. My abductors just laughed. I was forced on to my side, relieve that my mouth was further away from the device...but then fear struck me. What were they going to do? Suddenly with out warning the "twizzler" was pushed into a lower cavity of my body that will remain nameless. Startled, I yelled out, "My brains are not THERE! Morons" They laughed again and replied, "We know!". Suddenly, I felt like a giant water balloon ready to explode at the slight prick of a pin. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that the bag of what I thought was truth serum was empty. What I fool I was to think that I have sensitive information that an alien race would want intelligence on. I was just their toy. I had no choice but to dance for them. And dancing they got. Large machines began photographing and manipulating my body in to positions that were just not normal. Monitors showed my insides coming to life. What was appearing in the monitors appeared to be a large black ever growing worm, twisting its way throughout my body. I felt the tingle of radiation blasting my body from all angles. I was helpless....unable to resist any more. I had accepted the fact that this alien race's sole purpose for my abduction was not to acquire my thoughts, knowledge, or memories, but was to introduce their spawn into a warm body for incubation. Apparently, aliens don't care about the flora and fauna of this earth. I was broken. The tests and procedure were done. I was told in happy, cheerful voices that I could go to the bathroom and put my clothes back on. I then had a thought. A small glimmering ray of hope entered into my brain. My body was designed to expel things it didn't need. And it DIDN'T need a gestational alien inside of me. With my much discomfort, I did what was necessary. The aliens were none the wiser. I exited the bathroom dressed and somewhat disoriented. I was escorted out of the ship. Moments later I woke up, remembering the dream so vividly as if if was reality. That usually doesn't happen to me. I cannot remember the last dream that I had. What I found extremely odd was that my lower abdomen was in quite a bit of discomfort. I was just a dream..............right?

07 September 2008


(not very many, but you know, it's cool..)

But BEFORE we get to that.....
today was my first Sunday going to church here in Front Royal, and.....I got a calling. yes, this would be Marquie writing. :D I'm the Seminary President. I didn't know it was actually a calling, but apparently it is. dad had to do his little schpeal (yeah, i have to idea how to spell that) about how they can't extend a calling to me without talking to him first. haha. anyways, yeah. that's it. not huge, but i'm pretty excited to make this class exciting. :D


You might be a redneck if...

...you shoot groundhogs out your bedroom window.

...you know George Washington as George Warshington. (pronounced worsh)

...you say the confederate flag represents rednecks. (don't worry, i'm pretty sure it was a joke)

and one of my personal favorites (not word for word cuz i can't remember exactly)

...if the grocery store's front entrance has a sign that says "please leave all backpacks and large bags at the front desk".

I'll try and get some more this week! :D Love ya'll!

06 September 2008

Our first week

Mom asked about our first week awhile ago, and now that we've had ours, I'll respond to the request. We began classes on Tuesday. We spent Monday with Bryce and Michelle, helping with the house a bit and just spending time together. That was our last day of freedom. Now I don't feel the load lifting until Christmas time, so believe me, I am looking forward to Christmas.
Books were very expensive. We both have pretty full schedules. Justin has 14 credits and 20 hours of work per week. His Chinese classes this semester are extremely demanding. It is saturday night and he is at the kitchen table studying. I think the most demanding classes he has are his flagship ones. He has to have a rough draft of his final presentation by next week. I'm taking 17 credits and have 20 hours of work per week as well. It's actually not as much as it sounds. One of my 3 credit classes is a kind of paid internship. Some of the work I do for it is just class work, and some is paid. So, I have 14 regular credits, and 3 for an internship that includes paid and unpaid work. I'm TAing again this semester for a new class, and doing the internship as well. So far this week was pretty good. 3 of my classes are experiments, lucky me (one of my Soc classes was simply created by a teacher and this is the trial semester for it, one of my Soc teachers has only taught English before, and my Stats class is the biggest one they've ever offered and they're just hoping it works out). I don't really have a whole lot else, I've only had a few days of class. I like all of my classes, so that's good. Justin will have to post and tell you his take of the week.
Random things: BYU won! Our first game was a breeze, and second game we barely struck down a field goal for a one-point win. We were at grandpa and grandma's today to watch the game, and afterward family came over for hot dogs. Justin works on Saturdays, bummer! Our friends Phil and Summer moved in next door and it's really fun to have friends so close.
I have a running list of Justin Quotes that I keep pinned on the wall. Every once in awhile he'll say something that, when taken out of context, is really funny. Your Justin quote for this week is:

"I would much rather you be addicted to drugs than unhappy."


alrighty, guys, i'm not going to write it all tonight. but i think heather might really burst a bubble if i don't (or anyone for that matter), update on my life.

1. you know you are driving through a tropical storm when you can't see the car in front of you it's raining so hard. (that would be on the way to the temple (and home) this morning). It was lovely. Dad did a grand job driving. While they were in the temple, i was in the visitor's center. pretty exciting... it really wasn't that bad. it was pretty enjoyable. I watched a movie, and looked at all the pretty pictures. It was raining SO hard!!!!!!! the WHOLE time!!!! it was SO cool!

2. On the way home from the temple, we stopped at Wendy's to eat. You will never guess what I (and mom and dad, of course) saw. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... .... .... .. . . . .. . .. . a lady escorted by 2 policemen (women, actually), and she was in shackles. yeah, guys. shackles. it was pretty weird. i decided (w/ the way she was dressed andthe way she looked)...only in Virginia. :D anyways, it was pretty surprising.

3. school's okay. i pretty much hate it, but that's the way life goes. whatev. i miss my friends. i have no piano. i have no dog. :( i live in a motel. goodness, i had to take a placement exam the other day, and they had to have my address and phone number. What the heck am I supposed to put?! ummm...i live in the motel 8....i definetaly don't know the address. it was actuially pretty funny. I had to go down to guidance and get our address. :D

4. I'm not remembering many red neck jokes right now, but i'll do a blog about those later. there was a mini update.

I've never experienced a tropical storm. but now i have. hmmmm... i thought it was pretty fun! okay, g'night!


Two cars successfully in the garage. Yeah for us! We are super cool and super tired. Oh how I love the productive days. WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE?

non crazy faces

For all you non crazy faces who still can't seem to come up with time for a phone call now and then, I give you the update. Yes, I have stones again. What does this mean.... Probably a kidney removal. Blah blah blah. Anything to get me healthy. Yeah! Joe has his next round on Tuesday. X-ray with a barium enema. See, there could be worse things. Ha ha. I told you it all made me laugh. I would fill in more, but I have to go clean my garage. Dun dun dun...... Yes, it is that scary, but I will have cars in the garage before the day is through! Then we have to tear down last nights campout. We even watched a movie on the side of the house. It was super fun. Less expensive smore alternative... make brownies and cut them up small. After roasting the marshmallow, place on top of brownie and enjoy. Mmmmm. Love you!

03 September 2008

Crazy Faces!

I have decided that you are all crazy faces and am grateful for my relatively calm life right now.  But in case you didn't know I wanted to let you all know that my sister Deborah is getting married next Friday in the Mt. Timpanogas Temple.  I get to fly out Wed and will stay until Saturday.  I'm hoping to visit Michelle one day and play hard without little boys on my heels.

I have a feeling that Deborah will keep me quite busy as she is still teaching Elementary School and doesn't have a break until Monday when she goes off track (year round).     She's a crazy face, too, so I'll have to go and make sure everything runs smoothly. . . I get to be in charge!  Well,  I hope you all have a great week!  

02 September 2008

Top Gun Ladies

Well, we are in Virginia as a family. Marquie flew in on Monday and we went to the Air and Space Museum. We decided that our grandchildren would love seeing all of the planes so this will have to be a stop when you all come to visit. Wanted to share this picture with you because they both wanted to know where the "Top Gun" plane was. Eat your heart out Tom, these ladies are in our family.


I promised Mom I would blog tonight. I think she might need a little something to do in that motel all day. One can only shop in Front Royal for so long. So, the update. If I was doing this in person, I would be laughing. When I am done, you will understand. Joe had his Colonoscopy and they took a few biopsies. Yes, he really did have a complete lack of short term memory. We were on our way home, in the subdivision, and he told me he really had to go. April reminded me I must go the speed limit. "No Mommy, don't", was his response. I quickly hopped out upon our arrival to help him inside. He immediately headed for the the bathroom and was at a loss when I took him toward the bathroom. Yes, it was that bad. he then proceeded to fall asleep on the toilet. I have to say, it was really quite hysterical. We should have results on those tests by the end of the week. If it shows nothing, he gets to swallow a camera. Now how many people get to do that? Really? I went in for another CAT Scan and X-Ray on Friday. My doctor did not call today, so I will be calling in the morning. We had to throw about $1200 into fixing our vehicles last week and two days later our computer crashed. Are you laughing with me yet? Yes, we had to replace the computer and lost everything. The hard drive went corrupt..... then my camera broke.... then my cupboard door fell off.... hmmmmm. Worry not, Joe and I are feeling very blessed and very happy. No, I am not joking, totally serious. I have never felt so blessed in all my life. On a super happy note, I was just called to be the 1st counselor in...........Young Womens. Yipppeeee!!!! There isn't going to be a second counselor as of right now. We only have 5 active young women. 2 Beehives and 3 Laurels. We don't really want to out number them. I am over the Beehives, which are the McGreggor twins. I am so excited. Joe and I calendered on Sunday, holy crazy. Oh, well. Better busy than lazy!Marquie came to visit this weekend! I'm pretty sure she just wanted to get out of the drive, but that is so okay with me. She babysat so we could go to the temple and played for us in sacrament meeting. It was awesome. I'm pretty sure she is going to survive, but we may never know cause she won't blog! School is super! April asked me today if she can do all her subjects everyday instead of alternating.? UMmmmm...... Yeah!She didn't complain once today about any school stuff. I am so excited. She is also having a hay day with Rosetta Stone. While she was water sliding for P.E. today, I went out to read a book and watch. She immediately stopped and told me what "woman reading" was in Spanish. I'm sold. She even sounded hispanic. Of course, that is kind of the accent here..... I just finished three quizzes for her reading class. We looked at her reading list today and she was not satisfied, so she read three more. To the library tomorrow I think. I think that pretty much sums it up. Yes, still laughing. Hope you got a kick out of it too. I'll update you if we hear anything! I would post a current picture, but hard drive crashed , camera boken......... Use your imagination!