21 February 2009

anybody here? or there?

Hello everyone again!!!!!
Seriously y'all. mom and i are tired of staring at our own posts. :( we need some more things to read. :D i LOOOOOVE you alllll! :D
I auditioned for the Wizard of Oz tonight! I should now by March 2nd. so, i'll let you all know. :D have a lovely day!
Marquieoh! and I went to Maryland tonight to a stake dance. super cool. i don't think i've ever been to maryland. But apparently i've been to Pennsylvania. and you should go there too! and then come see me. :)


Dad said...
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Dad said...

Actually twice-
- First was when we drove back to Chicago last year
- Second was your trip to New York
Now, You have not been to Massachusetts, Connecticut or Rhode Island yet. As well as some others.