29 April 2015

26 April 2015

Snapshot Sunday

I am pretty sure that every week is a busy week around here.

Hyrum got a new car seat!  He kept taking his arms out of the straps of the older one, so it was time for an upgrade.  I love that he can get out on his own! 

We purchased some cattle panels for our tomato trellises.  This may seem simple, but they were 16 ft long, so we bought boards to put them on and then tied them on like crazy!  We were grateful when we made it home!

Then, the boys went to work putting them up.  We did plant peas to climb on them.  Next month the tomatoes will go in!  

Hyrum and Simon were rolling the ball back and forth.  They weren't accurate, but they had tons of fun!  

We watched a friend's dog for two weeks.  He was a great dog and was great with the kids.  He went home today.  We weren't too sad.  I don't know that we will ever get a dog.  But who knows?

Some people ditched their brother for breakfast cleanup.  We will see if they do that again???  But at least I got a clean oven out of it! 
I don't have pictures of our Saturday adventures, but Joshua and I went to a bee keeping class.  We learned an incredible amount of information.  We definitely got our money's worth!  Next week we will pick up our bees!  And we started a really big project.  Hopefully we will finish it next week, so I can share pictures with you!  I hope everyone else had a wonderful week!

24 April 2015

Photo Friday

I didn't take many pictures this week, but here's 3 pictures that capture pretty well each of our daughters at this time.
Jaime learning to ride her bike. Falling scares her greatly, so progress is slow.

Vida making a C out of Coats. We are doing Hooked on Phonics together.

Ava terrorizing ingredients while Vida and I bake. She can't stand not being part of things.

18 April 2015

Photos. On Saturday.

Here are some spring photos. We have been planting garden and building boxes and watching our pigs grow. It's wonderful. Every year we get to overwhelm ourselves with the task of getting the garden in and every year we love seeing it happen. Even better, some of last year's work is paying off in tulips and fruit trees. 

17 April 2015

Photo Friday!!

My makeup final!! Inspiration: Skittles!
And I got to go to the Church's Jerusalem set today... no big deal. Can't take pictures of that! :D

Photo Friday

Located Michelle's book at Deseret Book! It was exciting.
FHE with the Packards near the dam. We all had such a good time. Bryce even caught a fish. 
What more could a kid need than a lake and a stick?
Our last night before Justin came home we had a "sleepover" in the living room together.
She always looks so different with straight hair.
The truck Justin made finally had its outing at preschool and was a smashing success.

11 April 2015

Snapshot Saturday

I thought you all might want to see some of the photos of our visitors so far this year.  We've so appreciated your visits!  Looking forward to lots more!

Such a fun little boy!

Some visiting time

Snowman on spring break?

Our new 12 foot table and pillows James helped me with!

Women's Conference!

EASTER EGGS!!!  5 dozen of them!  The top photo is the new clubhouse the kids worked so hard on!

10 April 2015

Photo Friday

The girls finding their Easter baskets. We finally did my family's traditional Easter Egg Hunt this year, where an egg has a clue in it that leads to another, which leads to another, etc., until the last egg leads to the baskets. The girls really loved it.
Justin made this awesome truck for Jaime's drive-in movie at preschool. I was going to go with a diaper box with a hole in it, but he was having none of it. It's currently spray painted to match the color of his truck, in the garage.
One morning we watched as a pair of ducks wandered into our yard, laid an egg, and abandoned it. Jaime was at the point of tears over the life of the baby duck. So we got a heat lamp and are attempting to incubate it. What have we gotten ourselves into?
Vida and I have been doing Hooked On Phonics preschool together. She is loving it. We made a B out of B-eans. Also, her nickname is "B", so I love this photo even more.
I went to take another bite of my apple and saw THIS. Oh man, I was so upset.
Bowling for "Fun Day" the day before Daddy left. 
We stopped off at the Aquarium on the way to the airport to drop him off.
Ava's new thing is to find treasures in the trash. We have to empty it when it's about half-full now, so that she can't ever reach what's in there.

Photo Friday

This has been an adventurous week.    We picked up our pigs this week.  They are pretty cute.  All of our weeks seems to have paid off.  The fence is working great and they have made it through quite the stormy week.

They like to stick together when we come to visit.  

Then, I enjoyed a great double birthday.  James made me some amazing salmon and shrimp risotto and cheesecake.  Yum! And it lasted two days!

We finally ordered a new backboard, so the old one came down and . . . 

The new one is up!  The boys are thrilled.  And Michael is working to be able to dunk the ball.  He is up to about 9'.  Now if he grows 6" and jumps a little higher he'll get there!  

I just wanted to show that he really did have to jump.  :)

Happy photo Friday everyone!