28 November 2008

Christmas Exchange

As a disclaimer, I used only the immediate Hutchings names to simplify this little chart considerably.  We love you all unconditionally.  We are doing single exchange from one family to another, with no separate system for the children.  How you choose to do that is up to you—single family gift, individual gifts for all, mostly adult gift—whatever.  Your business, and we'll never spill the love.

So here we go.  Due to unforeseen complications and the desire to avoid them in the future, we are doing the following:


We will then RESET to the following  (no complaining.  EVER.  You'll thank me later.)  Each year, you'll move up the birth chain, so everyone will move from Marquie to Justin to Michelle to Heather to James to Marquie, all starting in a different place.  Clean.  Simple.  Effective.  Here's the breakdown, in case my verbosity spawned incertitude:




At this point, the natural rotation would leave us all gifting ourselves this year, so it will cycle up an extra person this year for a four year total rotation.


Then we start over . . .




Any questions?

27 November 2008


OK, I am still browsing pictures being nostalgic. I have been filled with joy as many memories from over the years have been rekindled. Here is one that spans four generations. It started with my grandpa Palmer. I was told that it came about in the spring when the family was working in the fields and grandma Palmer would bring the younger children and lunch to the fields for those working there. To get out of the wind they would go into the canal, which did not have water flowing yet, and have their lunch. A fire was built and hot dogs were roasted.

Throughout my growing up years this tradition was kept alive. I tried to find picture of those times but must not have them scanned yet. I have good memories of this tradition.

I am very grateful we took the opportunity to share that tradition with you, our children. You see, with all of the homes and subdivisions, the canal is never without water as it is the drainage for the area. Perhaps there could be a time you could pass on to the next generation if you could find a time when the canal did not have water in it. Or, when you won't get in trouble for having a fire!

Thanksgiving Fun Facts and Memories

Good Morning Family and all others who may be reading. It is a gorgeous Thanksgiving morning in Front Royal, Virginia. We have started the day slowly, having breakfast wrapped up at 11:00! It was delicious, omelets, juice and hash browns. We are planning for dinner around 4:00 PM. It is very different to have only the three of us together but we have a great deal of love in our family and that is something to really cherish even through we are celebrating in four different places today.

OK, Fun Fact --
You may have read that President Bush pardoned the National Turkey this morning in a tradition that goes back to President Trumanan. What you may not know is that this pardoned bird is rushed off to Washington Dulles International Airport for a non-stop trip on United Airlines to the west coast, first class. Yes, that is passenger first class. I have been advised that by the time the plane arrives in Los Angeles the passengers are more than happy to get off the plane. I am grateful my assignments do not include bird sitting!

Memories --
I was browsing through pictures to try and find some from Thanksgiving celebrations from when mom and I were children. I struck out on that but found some from 1991 when we lived on Tower Road. Marquie, you were part of the family, but were still in the hospital for this holiday. Hope you enjoy the pictures and also that your holiday today is fill with the joy of creating your own family memories. Love Dad

23 November 2008

got far wood?

howdy y'all!
we jist wan'ed ta post a lil' note frum our fareastern-suthen region. we-all-r tarred after our rousin' church meetins. we hope y'all're havin' a stupENDous day now. y'all don' even know how cold it is here. we got this huge house all over here, and our daddy won't let us heat it now. so we're freezin' our lil nuggies off. we got this here a nice lil far place, an' it's keepin' us some cozy warm and all, though here now in are office.
alrighty now, we luv y'all soooo much!
mom n' marquie

*you might jist wanna read this outloud to yerself now y'all.* It's jus' much better that way. =D

22 November 2008

Under 30

As I wrote the name of my blog because it made me laugh. . .  one of the running jokes in our house is that James says I'm still in my mid twenties.  While this is no longer true I am still under 30.  :)

But that is not what I wanted to blog.  Instead I was basking in the current low fuel prices.  I filled my tank (over 18 gallons) for under $30.  Yes, I have no small tank and had accepted the fact that every time I went to put fuel in I was going to be spending about $70.   Outrageous!  But $30 a fill-up I can handle.  The sad things is that I did all of my traveling for $70 a tank and now that it is much less I have nowhere to go because everyone is coming to visit me.  So, I hope you all enjoy the low prices and can't wait to see you here in Columbia, MO!

Cold In Virginia

We are really glad to have mom home and are even more grateful she was able to spend time with Heather. As parent of this incredible family we feel greatly blessed. We did however turn up the hear when mom came home. Marquie is happy for that and our house is a bit warmer. It is still cool here. About 30 degrees below normal for this time of year. We do want it to get back to normal.

Here are a couple of picture just to remind you of who we are for PHOTO FRIDAY, HINT, HINT!!!

Love Dad

21 November 2008


Well hello everyone!!!!!
First of all....
YAY HEATHER!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy you are doing so well. I love you SOOO much! (and thanks for letting mom come home...(she could've stayed, though)) :D

it's FRIDAY!!! i forgot last week. my goodness. i'm so sorry. :( so here is today's!
this picture is cuz i thought it looked cold, and it's perty cold, so, i don't know. here it is. =D
and then this one is halloween...

and this one is my beautimous guitar!

20 November 2008

Heather Is Home

Heather is home. She is very tired and sleeping, but she is home. She was a little queasy when she got up to come home and has a bowl next to her bed, but it is still empty. She was so excited to come home and sleep in her own bed.

She made such great improvement over night. The change in medications did wonders for her!

I'm sure you'll hear and see more on her adventures soon.

I'm heading home tomorrow morning. I know this is really Heather's place, but I want you all to know how much I appreciate your fasting and prayers. It's instances like this that really help us see what you all have become and makes a Mom so proud!

Heather's comming HOME!


18 November 2008

Heather Update

Heather's surgery went fine. The kidney was worse than what the doctor originally thought. He expects her recovery to be exceptionally fast. Exciting!!! Feel free to call me this evening for more info @ 847-878-2546 -Joe Cell

17 November 2008

I'm sorry this is so late but,

Happy Birthday, Justin!!!!!

Hope you had a great day!

14 November 2008


中文. Chinese.  It is kicking my...
Today I am applying to take the HSK, a Chinese proficiency test similar in nature and purpose to the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language).  I take it on 06 December.  I have already taken two proficiency tests with the Flagship program, one to apply, and an Oral Proficiency Interview via phone.  There are many yet to come.  It has no bearing on my ability to continue in the program, but each test is recorded in my permanent portfolio, a portfolio that I hope will someday assist me in persuading an employer to hire me.  The photograph is from my wedding, but I cropped it to put into my HSK application.  I can't figure out why they want two passport-size photos...I just want to take the test.  Today is the last day to apply.  Also, I wanted to post this picture because I look really good.  That is not the point, though.  The other day, whilst shopping in Wal-Mart, I was stopped by someone I did not recognize, but recognized me by relation to someone else.  "Are you James' brother?"  "You look just like him!"  James, that is for you.  

13 November 2008

In My Father's Footsteps

The above saying has been in my mind for several days now. As I prepared for my trip to Dubai, I did some map searching and realized that Dubai is very close to Pakistan. As I traveled to Dubai and contemplated the events of 50 years ago I was filled with wonder and awe.

I have traveled throughout the world, a "Traveling Salesman" so to speak. My father traveled throughout the western United States as a "traveling scientist" and on one occasion 50 years ago traveled to far away Pakistan as a representative of the United States Government. He was gone for four weeks and it took him a great deal longer to get to and from than it took me. So, how do I related to walking in my father's footsteps? Well, here are the points --

1- I do travel or have traveled greatly for a living. In fact, at times I have done exactly what my father did in leaving on Sunday or Monday and returning on Friday. I remember running to give him a hug as he pulled into the yard and I have wonderful memories of my children giving me hugs on my return from trips.
2- I have extended on the travels of my father just as he did of his father. My dad took only one international trip in his life, that being Pakistan. I have gone throughout the world.
3- This week I was close to Pakistan and I felt close to my father. I thought of him many times and wondered what awe he must have felt those long years ago seeing things so foreign to his "sheltered" life in Utah and the western US and the awe that I have felt in the many places I have been that are so different from my sheltered youth in Utah.
4- The impact my father had on people throughout the world because of his journeys was truly great. Whether it was in his Church service or his profession or just being a friend. Then I wondered what kind of an influence I have had because of my travels and who I am.
5- Where will my children journey in their lives and what will be their influence on mankind, either through Church service or professional service?

Well, I feel blessed to have such footsteps to follow and do hope the footsteps I am leaving will be a benefit and blessing to our family for years to come.

The picture is from a customer event that United hosted at the Air and Space Museum. I thought it fitting for this message as I remember many times my father speaking in public. Marquie, thanks for being the photographer.

08 November 2008


I hear this quote this evening at Stake Conference and figured that it had to be shared immediately.

The Reverend Desmond Tutu from Africa was quoted as saying.....

Any woman who seeks to be equal with men...lacks ambition!

I laughed so very hard. Ha. Ha.

06 November 2008

lil' more

it's quick. don' even worry!
I just wanted to add that there were 297 auditioners for district. yeppo. 3 perfects. me one of them. done now. :D

05 November 2008

Prayer--My New Best Friend

I've decided that prayer is something I have taken for granted.  Recently I have decided to not let this great opportunity to go to waste and I have been greatly blessed in return.  After our trip to VA I realized that Jacob learned something very wrong.  He learned that he was supposed to go poopy in his panties, take them to the toilet, clean them out and flush the toilet.  James had some fun fishing for panties in the toilet and I had plenty of cleaning to do.  At the end of my rope I asked James what to do but he had no better answers except to pray about it.  I've always known that I can ask and get an answer but I don't always show the faith to do it.  But this time I decided to take the plunge.  I prayed and begged to know what to do and then listed.  I received a very strange answer--throw the panties away.  It was not what I was expecting but I just envisioned myself dramatically throwing away poopy panties into the garbage can.  So, I tried it and within a couple of days we saw great progress.  Between that and fruit snacks I think we're almost done toilet training.  

Since then prayer has become my new best friend.  Every night before bed I pray that Jacob will stay in bed through the night.  I forgot the other night and it was a nightmare.  Well, I don't think I'll be forgetting again . . . I haven't seen him in the night since.  Needless to say I will never give James a dirty look again when he tells me to pray about something.  :)

perfect score!!!

Yep! that's right! I got a perfect 200/200 score on my district chorus auditions yesterday!!! 3 people got perfects, and I was one of them!
Heather might've killed me if i didn't blog. She wanted me to do it yesterday, but i was waiting until i got my stuff back! :D
Also, today, Mr. Bowen, my choral teacher, gave me application/information for governor's school in virginia during the summer. apparently it's REALLy good, and they always send someone, but they've never gotten in. I don't really understand it, but I guess i'll figure it out. He told me to seriously consider and look over the information.
I got a part in the school play! woohoo!!! We are doing the Crucible, and I'm Susanna Walcott. Not exactly the part i wanted, but i'd say it's a perty gosh darn great part for not doing anything here before! wootwoot!
okay, well, that's all! love you!

04 November 2008


Hello, Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, from Virginia!!! Goodbye.