29 June 2010

Father's Day Again


- Posted from my iPhone

27 June 2010

26 June 2010


After a crazy, fun, busy week of construction with the Packards we took a few days to work hard and get our kitchen to a very livable stage. Then, our bodies started giving out and we got less and less done each day--we also had to do our school work which didn't help. To celebrate our new kitchen we invited the Petersen's down to play and take a break. Instead they came in asking how they could help us finish up. They are amazing! So, we have relaxed and played but also got some of our finishing up jobs done! As a matter of fact Joe is just now finishing up the floor. It is awesome!

While working/shopping today we learned that there were tigers at the mall. Yes, if you can believe that there were tigers at the mall in Galesburg. So, we did a quick clean up and headed right over! I mean after all how can you pass up live tigers less than a mile away.

We arrived and the boys (and girls) were very excited to see all of these beautiful baby tigers. The oldest was 6 months old and pretty big for such a youngster. Then, we learned that they will let you pay to go in and play with the little ones. Well, with my little animal lovers I just couldn't pass up the opportunity. So, here are some fun pictures. I am pretty sure that Jacob and Collin loved it the most and the tigers loved them too! They are very soft and playful. It was a great trip and a great weekend!

25 June 2010

Cute pic of Heather and David

- Posted from my iPhone

23 June 2010

All in the Eyes

The Eyes!Jaime Lynne is the little light of our lives. Her sleep schedule even makes sure we are up before the real sun comes up, so we are sure to give her credit for being out little sunshine. It is so much fun to watch her grow and progress. I know you have all already experienced it, multiple times, but everyday is something totally new to me.

Jaime Lynne is getting better at entertaining herself. She plays with her toys, sitting on the floor by her toy tubs, taking the toys out one at a time, ever so carefully. In the mornings we all go to the closest university and exercise. Jaime Lynne sits in her stroller and watches us, or butterflies, or people passing, and is perfectly content. We get our exercise in, then take her home for breakfast and her morning nap. I am usually gone to work before she wakes up form her nap.

Going home is my favorite part of the day, because Jaime Lynne stops whatever she is doing, and smiles her wide, squinting smile just for Daddy. Yeah, pretty much the best thing in the whole world!

We are so excited for all of you to get to know Jaime Lynne. She will light up your day, no matter how bad it has been. Just one glance and she will smile her lovely smile, and you are toast. All frustrations and anger are melted away, and it won't come back while she is around. So if you need a little help with your attitude, just do a video chat with Jaime Lynne. She will fix you right up!

Oh, and she has the most incredible eyes I have ever seen.

20 June 2010

Happy Father's Day

My day so far after church

- Posted from my iPhone

18 June 2010

This boy can sleep anywhere.

- Posted from my iPhone

15 June 2010

Sweet Tomatoes

On our way home, just before our ikea stop.

- Posted from my iPhone

11 June 2010

Joke's on me

I miss you guys! It's always a bit sad knowing the whole family is together without us, but we are glad Michelle doesn't have to feel that way now! Also, thank you for obliging us with a reunion in Utah, we are so grateful! It's extremely exciting knowing we're coming home to a reunion.

I just thought I'd tell you a funny story. Remember how I told you people tell us "it's okay" that we had a girl first, because we can have more kids and hopefully we'll have a boy next? Well, we were having dinner with some friends last night and they were making jokes about how we had a girl first. Apparently, my Chinese name "Jiǎo-dí" sounds very similar to "welcome little brother," or in other words "I hope I have a boy next." Everyone cracked up when they found out that's my name. I guess it's more funny when you're Chinese, because I wasn't too amused but they thought it was hilarious.

Oh, and I now have pigeon and frog to add to my list of strange things I've eaten. Justin also has crawfish. All were delicious.

09 June 2010

She's Coming!

It only took me about 2 hours to put it together but Michelle will make it to Dulles airport tomorrow night at 6:28 PM ET. She will only have to go through Denver and Minneapolis but she will be here for graduation! Yippee! Here is a cute picture of me transferring information from Michelle to the Delta representative. It is a good thing we have plenty of phones around here! :)

08 June 2010

Happy Birthday Collin

- Posted from my iPhone

07 June 2010

I'm getting bored!

So, I guess it just wasn't meant to be, you know my awesomely planned trip to be with you all. I hold a slight annoyance towards Delta airlines, but I will eventually forgive them. I feel calm but sad (sad is probably not descriptive enough...I have had a few tears over it) not to be with all of you, but I can't help but think it was an answer to my own prayers or more just Heavenly Father looking out for me and my baby. Who knows. Life sometimes deals out undesired outcomes, that though may be a blessing are hard.
I am feeling good, and so struggle greatly not accomplishing great things while I am all alone. I tried watching a movie which took me all day. I kept pausing it to do something that seemed more worth while. I tried reading a book (the one I bought to read on the airplane), read my scriptures, wrote in my journal, cleaned the playroom (sitting down of course), washed the wet towls my children threw in the pool last Friday and left to mold in my Laundry room (not a pretty smell), swept my floor, took out the trash (it was very light), and picked up a little. It still feels like I didn't do much today which is what I am suppost to do I guess. The thing is...it is all still clean...ahh weird...what am I going to do tomorrow. Maybe I'll venture out to see some friends. I'm sure I will call you all tomorrow just as many times as I did today. I love you and wish I was with you!

04 June 2010

Last rest area in Indiana

Collin is afraid to walk the wall and does so very cautiously.

- Posted from my iPhone

02 June 2010

A very wet day

We will blog with more details soon but today was awesome but very wet! We started the day with grandma and grandpa in Kirtland. I can imagine that the thing they will remember the most is how much the boys ate. HOLY COW! Anyway, we finished the tour this morning and headed out. It was an amazing visit which will talk about later!

After that we drove for about 3 hours to Niagra Falls. It was worth the drive and ever cent we paid. It was awesome! We took a boat ride to see the falls but little did we know that we weren't going to just see them. Instead we got to truly experience them. It was incredible! And we were very glad for the ponchos provided. We also got to go and walk down on some platforms at the bottom of the falls. They called it 'hurricane platform'. The name pretty much says it all. The falls were breathtaking--absolutely one of natures most beautiful creations. After the falls we headed east for about 45 minutes to a KOA between the falls and Palmyra where we will visit tomorrow. KOA is now hooked up with wifi which makes vacations much more possible for us! We got our new tent set up, ate a little food, and now are just listening to it rain, rain and rain some more (and watch Madagascar 2). I think I've had enough wet for the day. I hope our tent hold up to the challenge and that we don't get the hail that has been forecasted.

It has been a wet but incredible day!