31 March 2008

Cooking Corner with Joe

The First Ever Installment.
I know that you have all requested this ever coveted (by me) recipe for my tortillas. Here it is!!!

First you all must know, our new Kitchen Aid makes making these a cinch. Never before have my hands not been tired or burnt upon completion.

All of you should be able to make these tortillas any any sort of large mixer, although you can still do it by hand.

As Heather observed, There is also less mess...meaning easier clean-up.

And now with out further delay.............................THE RECIPE!!!

3 cups white flour 3 cups whole wheat flour 2 tablespoons of salt 1 cup of oil, shortening, or lard (Lard will give the best flavor) Mix well the first three ingredients. There should be no large clumps of shortening in the dry ingredients.
Boil about one quart of water on the stove.
While mixing, add the boiling water slowly until the dough has pulled away from the sides of the bowl. If you add to much water, just add more white flour until the same effect occurs. The dough should not stick to your fingers!!! Add more flower if need be.
Note: If you have an electric griddle, you want to be heating it at this time. As hot as it will go.
If you use a griddle on the stove, a setting of 6 is more than sufficient.
Take out the dough and as needed for individual dough balls about the diameter of a dollar coin.
Use a rolling pin or large wooden dowel to roll out the dough balls. Don't worry about if they are round or not. It best way to eat them, as you all know, is to PINCH!
Practice makes perfect.
Yields: about 30 tortillas.
Weight Watchers Points: 3 points per tortilla

The next episode will feature Tomato Basil Whole Wheat Tortillas...Sooooo...Tune in next time for quick and easy, yet highly coveted recipes to be divulged in our next episode.

30 March 2008

Spring? Fat Chance!

So, I was so excited for Spring...yeah, I think someone wanted to just make fun of my excitement and let me know that I just don't get to choose! Life is wonderful, and we are in love. It is beautiful!

28 March 2008

So glad its spring...SOON!!

Spring is well on its way, the flowers are blooming and the weather is warming. I'm back on the bike (which is good for the wallet and the legs), and the jacket is left at home. Here is a reminder of last fall, taken late last November. By the way, Spring is also the sign that school is going to over soon, and then when school is over, soon after is a wedding! Weddings have pretty flowers, and one very pretty girl!


No words will really do justice to what James and Liz did for me this week. I feel truly blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive family. In our world such a thing is rare. Here is just a small sample of the wow they did to my house. I'm glad Mom passed on some of her decorating abilities to someone, because I certainly didn't get it. Thanks again to James and Liz and family! You guys are awesome!

James Photo Friday

Last week we stayed at Mom and Dad's for a few days even though they were partying on the East coast.  It was nice to have a beautiful home in which to stay while we helped out Heather, Joe and their family for a few days.  The closet in the guest room doesn't close, so I spotted this little gem and just had to try it on.  Yes, it is fastened top to bottom, no snaps excluded.  Eat your heart out, folks!


We've been rather neglectful, don't you think?  Let's up our game for today—I know people have done fun things this week!  Share, people, SHARE!

27 March 2008

Where is Everyone?

Well, I guess that I am probably not the one to be asking that question as it has been too long since I have posted. It has been wonderful to have mom and Marquie here with me in Virginia. Monday and Tuesday I had to work but have taken off since then. On Wednesday we headed into the National Mall and today we looked at homes for the whole day. No offers yet. Nice to chat. Have a great weekend.

Oh, by the way, I am early for Photo Phriday and the second picture is of the stocked pond on the property we most liked.

22 March 2008


Yep, that pretty much sums it up. I am alive and in pain. I'm blogging for something to do. I am sick of being in bed, but if I get up, I want to throw up. So, for now I rest in bed. The bruising isn't too bad yet. When it is, I will be sure to blog it. My whole back hurts lots, but not bad enough for vicadin. O.k., so I have no idea how to spell the name of the evil drug. I just decided it isn't worth the side effects. We all know to what I refer...... We gave the kids their Easter baskets today. We are going to do an egg hunt later. Inside of course (too much snow). Right now the girls are at a primary activity and Joe is at the store with Ethan. Collin is sleeping. BORING! Joe said he would get me anything I wanted to eat. Cool, but useless. I spent five minutes trying to think of anything that sounded good. I came up with baked ritz crackers. BORING. Everyone else had super yummy pizza last night (not Little caesars ), provided by Mom and Dad. It looked and smelled so yummy..... then I threw up. Aahhh, the joys of trying to get well. So I missed photo Friday. I had an excused absence with a doctor's note. Here is my makeup work. This is an image from last summer of a homemade bottle rocket. It was so much fun. Can't wait to pull it out again.

21 March 2008







by the way,
for those of you who don't know...
I have a date...

since no time presented itself this past week, we are going after spring break. (unless I don't end up going to virginia...), in which case, we will go this next week. hahaha!

I just updated my profile. I want you to look at it! Thanks! :D Love you all!

no title

Hey guys, here is a picture from the priest/laurel dance. You can't have a full shot, because they aren't very good. If they ever get the pictures up that the people there took, I'll give one to you. They should be good! The other 2 people are mimi and eric.


Joe is apparently the only one who truly loves Photo Friday.  Anyone?  Anyone?  Anyone?

Radial Concentric

This is my photo Friday post. This has to be probably my favorite landscape design that I completed. Click on it to see it in greater detail.

20 March 2008

Grandpa updated

Grandpa is doing great. The doctors are pleased, and he is still in ICU. Most of his tubes are gone, but he still has a catheter in. His hands and face are a little swollen, but the doctors say his strength is good. Grandma said they can move him to another room, but there isn't one available yet.

A Funny Joke

The FBI had an opening for an assassin. After all the background checks, interviews, and testing were done there were 3 finalists. Two men and a woman.

For the final test, the FBI agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun.

"We must know that you will follow your instructions no matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill Her!

The man said, "You can't be serious, I could never shoot my wife."
The agent said, "Then you're not the right man for this job. Take your wife and go home."

The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about 5 minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, "I tried, but I can't kill my wife."

The agent said, "You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go home."

Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet.
The door opened slowly and there stood the woman. She wiped the sweat from her brow.

"This gun is loaded with blanks" she said. "I had to beat him to death with the chair."

19 March 2008

Grandpa's Surgery Day III

I just barely talked to Grandma. Grandpa's surgery went well. They replaced the valve and it was much worse than they thought it was--they said it must have been working overtime for quite some time. He had only a double bypass. When they took him off the heart/lung machine his hearts and lungs responded well. The doctors say he should be fine. He will be on a breathing machine for another hour or so, then will be in ICU for a couple of days.

Thank you all for your prayers in his behalf. They are very grateful.

I'll let you know when I hear more.

Grandpa's Surgery Day II

I just talked to Grandma. Grandpa is still in surgery. Her last report was that they had replaced the valve and removed two veins to use for the bypass--one from his leg, one from his chest and that they were still on track. They are still unsure whether they will have to do another bypass as the tests were inconclusive whether there was another block below a block they had found.

Grandma is tired of sitting in the hospital, but grateful for all the family support.

I will update again in a few hours.

Grandpa's Surgery Day

I thought you might all want an update on Grandpa Workman. I just talked to Grandma, she said he is in surgery (scheduled for 4-6 hours). They told her they would inform her when they had put him on the bypass, but she hasn't heard yet. Grandma is stressed. "The girls" are taking turns being with her so she doesn't have to wait it out alone. I think Aunt JoAnne will be there most of the day. I will update you again when I have more information. Please just include him in your prayers today.

Thank you.


Where are all of you? Are you lost in the sea of stress? So much to do, no time to do it? Tell us, tell us all! It makes the rest of us not feel quite so bad about our lives. (he he) No really, what is going on out there? I'm pretty much so tired and stressed I can't make sense of much anything anymore. We have stayed home all week so far. I think my kids needed it, despite their pleas to go to Grandmas. We have started school again and it is going well. No drawn out battles or tantrums. April is studying Egypt right now and loving it. She must have brought home 8 books from the library yesterday. After which we took a nice trip to DQ! We thoroughly enjoyed that part! James , you rock. Keep it up! Cool volcano trick with the boys. How did you do it? Hope all is well and happy! I know I'm early, but they are just so darn cute. Everyone needed a good smile anyway. Besides, I won't be able to post Friday, so here you go.

17 March 2008

Now this is what I call fishing!!!

Almost Done

Well, finally, we are just about ready to put our house on the market. We had a man call yesterday who wanted to see the house, we left church after Sunday School, rushed home, madly cleaned the house, and of course, he didn't show. He says he still wants to see the house, but couldn't actually fit it in yesterday (likely story).

Anyway, our home looks beautiful. I thought you might like to see the dining room. New chandelier, new drapes, pretty flower arrangement.

I will post more pictures when I get a chance, but Dad took the camera with him this week. However, if I have Marquie take some pictures, they might actually get posted.

I can't imagine that someone won't want to live in this home (besides us, of course)!

16 March 2008

Planning and Playing

Our engagement photos were fun to take...hehe.

I must say it has been quite the week! I used to write philosophically, but I seem to have lost my knack for it. I don't know what to write that would be philosphical. I feel I have become much more pragmatic. Perhaps I feel grounded in some way, with something in my future that makes sense and actually has a date stamped on it. Let's just not talk about the uncertainties to come after that day. Where to live? Where to work? How to survive day to day? How to take out a loan to pay off other loans? So many things that come when life really gets real... But we don't have to worry about that right now because that day hasn't come yet...that is, we don't have to worry about if we want to get hit right upside the head... I suppose we had better start getting some things beyond the wedding day planned and figured out. So many things to do, certainly too little time to do them. It is getting harder and harder to find a balance in life. School seems to be losing importance, but I know it can't. That is the only way that I can hope to be able to provide for Jodi and our family in the future. So many things to balance out.

Tonight I had dinner with Jodi, her mother, and her two brothers and their families. As we ate together and talked, it struck me that they are going to be my new family. It was not a difficult concept, just a new one. They are wonderful, and it is a lot of fun to get to know them. I have yet to meet her sisters, but I'm excited for that, too! There is so much to plan. Plan. Plan. Good night.

15 March 2008

It can be done!

I didn't know it was possible, but I have found the perfect dress! Two days of shopping (over 6 hours), and like a million dresses later..... Hope you like it Justin, cause I'm wearing it to your wedding. Pretty much I can't afford another one. We love DressBarn! O.K., love you buh bye!

14 March 2008

This is from a few years ago when we went with the Petersens to the Children's museum in Rockford.  All in all, good times.


So, I send the kids home and Marquie and I go shopping! What could be better..... I need new clothes too, because I lost another 10 pounds! It isn't even water weight!!!! Life is beautiful. We also finished Mom's bathroom today! Yes, it is stripped and painted. So pretty. She says she will post pictures....... hmmmm....... The weather is also marvelous. Marquie is even playing outside with my kids. I know, wow! So, for picture Friday, I post what all children hope to achieve..... power over the parent. Yes, we have been taken. They are adorable. Love you all and here's to a great weekend!


Oh no!  We're late!  Post them, folks, post them.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed A Must See!!!

This is 7.5 minutes long. I was shocked when I saw this. It was forwarded to my from my brother. I found this very educational. Enjoy!

12 March 2008


11 March 2008

defeat...? no! victory!!!

Hey! I actually have something real to write about guys! Guess what I did?! You are gonna be so proud!
I WENT IN FOR CHEMISTRY HELP!!!!!! Go me! Go me! ohohoh! go me!!!
Yep, that's it!

Mr. C wanted me to tell you, Justin, that he still thinks you should be a doctor. He thinks you would be great! :D Have a nice day everyone!
I still think that dog picture is just so cute!

10 March 2008


............(and the 102 nd!) hehe! isn't he just adorable???


Well, guys, I decided I wanted to be the 101 st post for 2008!


Alright, so I know it is cruel to post three posts in a row, but when you get to be the 100th post, you just don't pass that up, especially for fear that someone will unknowingly, and ungratefully post the 100th blog! I just can't let that happen! Happy day!

Colorado, Baptism, Deer, Elk, Rabbit

Saturday afternoon Jodi and I took off for Craig, Colorado to attend Lorri Cunningham's baptism (Anjuli's mother). It was a long drive with great rewards, both of attending the baptism of someone I was able to help keep hope on the road of conversion, as well as being with Jodi for another road trip. The baptism was wonderful and simple, the power of the Spirit was great. We got a late start coming back, not leaving until after 9:00. It would not have been so bad, except for the thousands of deer and elk we passed on the way there in the daylight. Well, the daylight was gone, but the herds of deer and elk, as well as occasional jack-rabbits and skunks, were still there. The drive home was an adventure. It included one jack-rabbit, a cracked bumper because of the jack-rabbit, multiple stops to walk around so I could stay awake, and flashing red and blue lights in the rear-view mirror. Yes, I have driven for six years without getting pulled over. I'm just glad he got me going 64 in a 50, rather than 110 in a 65. Oops. But he must have seen the starry look in my eyes, and a clean driving record, so he let me off with nothing but a gentle reminder that "no one is in that much of a hurry" (in reference to the 14 over). Lucky. The stars are beautiful in the middle of nowhere (we were there, in nowhere, for a long time).Nice scenery a few miles into Dinosaur National Park...don't we look good!

07 March 2008

Fantastic Friday

Speaking of Milestones...here is one to remember!

She thought it would never come...we have only been dating for FIVE WEEKS. I don't know what her hurry was, but I'm sure grateful she is so patient. She has been patient with me for five months. Thank you family for praying so diligently for us, we feel the power of your prayers and faith every day. For planning purposes, we are planning for 22 May 2008 in the
Salt Lake Temple.

just some more pics for you

Now idnit perty???? I just LOVE it!

I decided my picture only half counted for today, so I decided I needed to put another one on. Isn't it just so cool?! Love it!

Now this next picture is the high school I could be attending next year with 620 students, no spring break, no tennis team, a lamo drama department (no, really, the only productions they are doing so far are dinner theatre, goodness we have a long ways to go!) , and no locks on their lockers.... home of the Rams.

By the way Justin, you didn't post today! I'm waiting! and neither did James or Liz! reminding us of Photo Friday doesn't count. You didn't put a picture up! Love youguys!


Life is not just full of milestones, milestones help us to define and measure our lives. When we were children milestones were birthdays, getting baptized, spring break, summer break, family vacation, first dates and the like. They seemed to be focused on internally, on what was important to us. As we get older, milestones take on different meanings and we start to look outside of our selves. Getting married, having our first child, our first child's baptism, their first date. Interesting how as you get even older, the milestones change even more. The last child to be born, the last one to graduate from primary the last one...

I feel greatly blessed to be part of our milestones and yours.

Quiet again

Well, today was very quiet here for awhile. Heather and Joe's kids are here now, but most of the day was very quiet and until Marquie came home at 10:30 a.m. (1/2 day of school), the things I cleaned stayed clean.

How wonderfully fun it was to have everyone here the last few weeks. It was delightful to see everyone and to be together.

Hope you all enjoy the pictures from my Picture Friday!!!

Beauty and the Beast
Fun at Grandma and Grandpa'sUMMMM!!!! Berry smoothy!Lovely Lover's

Memories are so sweet!

Love you all,


Marquie's Invitation

Top this she says. Well here goes!
Take note that this particular Webster Student is an Executive, Fresh, Exclusive, Official, & Preferred Member of Life. Yeah! An as an extra added bonus, is going to Acapulco, Mexico with his lovely wife. Double Yeah!!!


hello again!!1 update update!

i can now officially drive legally!!!!!! that doesn't mean dad will let me drive, but i can now drive legally! yay!!!!

bye again!

top this! iknowuwill

Alright, I had to take the pic off. it's bad for my identity...! but i did get my license!

Here itis!!! Sadly, though, I can't drive, because I don't have insurance. .... hopefully that will get all fixed up today! Have a grand day! I'm looking forward to some AMAZING pictures!!!! hehehe.... oh! and I don't like my hair, but i guess it could've been worse... love ya'll!


Let's see 'em!  And they better be good!

03 March 2008

02 March 2008

Party Part 2

Because this insane gathering is a true rarity, we couldn't help but drag it out over another day. Saturday party was fun, but there's something extra special about gathering together after Sunday services to commune with one another and enjoy TORTILLAS! Thanks, Joe! I don't think there's any food we, as a large family, love to eat more than tortillas. Homemade and oh so fine.

A Poetic Reading

Party Part 1

In honor of people flying across the country to get together, we had a party last night. In a way it was also my birthday party, but mostly it was a really great excuse for everyone to have a wonderful time together. We missed Bryce to be sure, but having everyone (else) together was an amazing experience. Here are a few photos from last night.