16 February 2009

More Motherly Qualities

So, for another of my Young Women Value Experiences, Divine Nature. I was told to ask my mother what she thinks are important attributes for being a mother. Here is her response and my response to her. Just thought you would like to know.

From my Mom:

It seems to me that your family pretty well covered the important attributes that I could think of. I believe it was mentioned, but I think it is very important to listen, just listen and not judge. It seemed to me that the kids wanted to share not be judged for what they did or did not know. Also I belief that trying very hard to be in tune with the spirit so that the Holy Ghost can enlighten and help you as you teach your children, sometimes they hear more from my spirit to their spirit than they do from my mouth to their ear

Back to my Mom:

I think one of the most important things that has helped me with raising my children and in my church callings is the realization that we are children of God. Just because these people are smaller and younger than I am, doesn't mean they don't have more knowledge and wisdom than I. They all really surprise me sometimes. It is not my responsibility to judge, but to teach and guide and help them remember their "divine nature."

Another thing is to understand that the greatest gift of God is agency. All of us not only have the power, but the responsibility to choose for ourselves. I cannot, nor should I take away the ability for my children to choose. Only they have that power. However, I can influence the consequences of their choices. :) This was a concept that I did not articulate until well through my children's growing up, but I think it's a concept I experienced in my growing up that gave me confidence and a great example to follow.

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