30 August 2011


I love you guys. I just reread my post from yesterday on my blog and it was funny. I think you guys are great. We should hang out more. whoaaaa.... yeah.
So. I survived my first day of my 2nd year of college! yaaayy!!! It was soooo long. and now I'm soooo tired. Cuz ... I stayed up (am staying up...) sooo late....
BUT! I don't have class til at least 1 tomorrow, so I am SLEEPING in! YESSSS!
Well, I hope you all had a successful Monday! I know James candied some jalapenos. Don't we all wish we had delicious food like that? I do...
Oh! I just wanna tell you. Right now we have: half a loaf of bread, honey nut scooters, a bit of milk, yogurt, and cheese. livin the life. livin the life.

We're going shopping tomorrow. (hopefully) If not... soon after.

yeah. Life is pretty good. How's everyone else's life?
OH! MIGHT I ADD!? I'm SO excited for this girl's weekend NEXT WEEK! NEXTTT WEEK!!! I pretty much almost can't contain myself.
I just love it when my family visits. :)

25 August 2011


I just wanted to make myself feel awesome and tell you I have blogged TWICE on my blog in ONE week. I do believe it is a record. Or it could potentially become one... yeah.

I hope you all are safe and off to a good start of school year and continuing work year. And everyone stay safe in these crazy natural disasters going on! I love you all and feel so blessed to have you as my family. Thanks for always caring and being so involved. :) Love you!

23 August 2011

Quick update

April loves, loves, loves school. Except PE. That is just stupid. Ha! Totally normal 6th grader. We also talked to the head of the music department. He wants April in the HIGH SCHOOL class next week. WOW! Ok, maybe not completely normal. We are very excited for her. Oh, I forgot to tell you, this school values families. Huh, who'd of thunk. They said they try to give minimal homework because they have them for so long. They want the kids to spend time with their families. YES, they actually said that. They said turn off the tv and game systems and be a family. I love this school. It is reason enough to move here. Yeah us! Yeah April!


We just had an earthquake.....I'm still shaking!!!!!! The news reports say 5.8. FREAKED ME OUT!!!!!! oops--5.9 now.

22 August 2011

How did this happen?

What a joy it has been this morning to share the adventures of our family. Grandchildren in Middle School. (How did that happen?) Youngest daughter in her own apartment in her second year of university. (How did that happen!) Granddaughter with oven mitts, and cereal bowls. Flying monkey. (I have an idea how that happened)

The only thing I could come up with is that it all happened because two people fell in love and stayed in love and have tried to pass that love to the next generations. If you have other answers, love to hear them. Love you all. Dad.


Yep, it is that time again. A little crazy and a little different. April starts today at the Manatee School for the Arts. I have officially entered into older Mom status (not old, just older..). April enters middle school today. Shed a little tear for me....

On top of that, we have a category 2 headed our way. Should hit Friday. Such an exciting week!

20 August 2011


So, just to inform you all, I'm now moved into my apartment! I'm so excited! It's big. It's awesome. It's cool. And I had to buy food today.... ha.aha.ha... :) So, I still have all my stuff at Grandma and Grandpa's, but all my OTHER stuff is unpacked! Hooray! There are 3 of us here, (only 2 right now). Kimmy is moving in next week sometime, so for now I have a room to myself and it's quite the thing. So weird! But I'm really excited!

Well, that's my update. :) Thanks to Justin and Jodi for letting me have a temporary space at their house for almost 2 weeks. It was lots of fun and I'm going to have to visit cuz I just can't stay away!

I guess I could add in that I went to Bridal Veil Falls last Saturday, and Thursday I went to the Provo Library and read children's books. I don't think I really need to say who I was with, but they were grand times! =)

16 August 2011

Are you a Math fanatic or a food fanatic?

Either way, this image appeals to us all.

15 August 2011

Eastern Nationals

The first week of August, Dad umpired at the ASA Eastern Nationals. He was very excited and nervous (since he'd only umpired maybe 10 games this last year). But he did a great job and we all had fun. ASA put us up in a nice hotel really close to lots of shopping, oh, and the ballpark and between the two, all of us, Dad, Mom and Marquie had a stupendous long weekend. Dad did some games behind the plate and some games in the field. If you ask him, he can tell you every mistake he made in the 8 games he umped (probably all three mistakes). Anyway, here are some pictures to share....

In the field...
Behind the plate...

In the "doctor's office...
Avoiding the rain...or the sun.....

10 August 2011

Tonight's Treat

Happy National S'mores Day!

07 August 2011

Justin and Jaime

We stopped at a few locations on our drive through the canyon and took a couple of pictures.  I just saw this one and it is just too cute not to post somewhere!

I went

So, last weekend (the 30th of July 2011) I sorta went and did this cool thing y'all think was crazyface. But I had fun. I went and did this.

tried on some really great hats:

found a great seat... oh WAIT. These are our TICKETED seats! :

did a LOT of this:

and then we saw even MORE of this:

and in case you missed what this was:

matching shirts, crazy tickets, and special red dot stamps because we were in the cool section:
Yeah. that about sums it up in just a few pictures. . There are SO many more where they came from. Got home about 3 in the a.m., chatty chatted with Mom, went to bed about 4 in the a.m. and was on time for church at 9 in the a.m.! Then I proceeded to take at least a 4 hour nap. (after church).
Someday, I might actually blog soon after the events occur. I think a week is pretty dang good for me though! wooooo!

04 August 2011

03 August 2011

The Plow

Why the Plow? Because as I drove to dinner last night, in keeping with tradition, I looked at Thomas Hutchings' plow and was relieved that it can stay planted in front of this house for another year. Dinner tradition? Oh, we went to celebrate our new living conditions, that are the same as the old. Confused yet?

We were given notice Friday that we would be moving on or before September 15 with a 10% or less chance that we could stay. We began that day to find a new house within which to put our home. We determined to fast last weekend for our needs and because of the tournament this weekend and Saturday evening activities. We found a home Sunday afternoon and made agreements with our existing and prospective landlords that the deadline would be Tuesday, 17:00.

Tuesday 16:55 received a call from our existing landlord that a deal had been reached for them to not move, and us to not move. We advised the prospective landlord and then the peace came. I covenanted with the Lord that I would testify of His goodness, love and care. Without divine intervention, this would not have turned out the way it did. Love you all.