31 March 2012


Hello Family.

I just enjoyed a great session of General Conference.  I hope you all did too.  Yesterday I felt a desire to write a blog about children and how much I learn from them.  It's hard for me to describe how I learn so much from my children but they are fantastic teachers - whether by wholesome word ("Mommy, just be nice!") or by complete defiance (to self: "calm yourself down, just be patient...").  I also included some information and links about General Conference in my post.  I started the post last night and finished it this morning, just before Conference started.  I could not be more amazed about how much of this first session focussed on children and/or sacrificing things and gaining more!

I believe the Spirit spoke to me for a reason, and it's a witness to me that the things I am learning are good.  It's right to humble myself for these children and try to become my best self for them.  Really, I'm not sure if there is any other force that would cause me to desire to know God and His son Jesus Christ and become like Them, than that of parental love.  Maybe I would have some lesser desire, but I really think I wouldn't feel the same urgency and willingness to give up everything to know God, if it weren't for the benefit of my children.

I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I believe I am who I am today in large measure because of it.

Just so you know

JUST so you know.  It's just 49 days until I get married.  Okay. Thanks for reading :)

oh. it's 49 days TODAY. today is Saturday. Everyone else is probably asleep like good kids.  I ate too much and am curled up on my bed reading blogs and not sleeping. Soon. Soon I shall sleep.

ANYWAYS . Love you all! Enjoy Conference with the family you are with :)

29 March 2012

My Spoils of the Day


8 - 5lb Tilapia
1 - 3 lb Flounder
1- .5lb Silver Sand Trout

28 March 2012

Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty...

Today Untied flight #803, Washington Dulles to Tokyo Japan, had a special passenger in the cargo department. A Sumatran Tiger named Guntur who weighs about 275 pounds. I was able to be there to participate but alas, didn't really get to see him because of his special cage, shown in the picture right before he boarded his flight. Here is a link where you can find out about Guntur and his preparation for travel as well as some information on Sumatran Tigers.

26 March 2012

March 16th

21 March 2012

Spring time in Virginia

Spring has made a grand appearance in Virginia this week. I took a few pictures to show you. They do not do it justice. It is so beautiful here as the green leaves appear on the trees accented by the red buds and all the beautiful yellow!

GST -- Book of Mormon Pondering

Last August I started an incredible journey in the scriptures. That journey? Make sure I read in the scriptures 10 minutes each day, no matter what. Well, I have missed two days since then but "made it up" the next day. Yea, I know, making it up is like eating twice as much after fasting. I started this to be an example to the seminary students and have gained oh so much more. It has been an anchor and foundation in my life.

I started with the Old Testament, then Doctrine and Covenants and moved to the Book of Mormon, which I will finish today, tomorrow latest. I have read Mormon and Ether over the last week and as I finished Ether last evening waiting for the bus, I was so deeply impacted by the events of destruction of that civilization that I actually felt pain as I visualized the horrific scene portrayed. I could literally see Ether walking through the corpses and almost smelled the stench and heard the master of lies laughing at his triumph.

Just wanted to share how grateful I am to have a guidebook to help our family navigate the road ahead. Love you all.

19 March 2012

GST -- Prayer

Last week I engaged in annual reviews with my team. They all perform very well, are hard workers and meet high levels of standards. There are however always opportunities for improvement and I had such an issue to manage through during the process. I was actually quite concerned how the feedback given and changes required would be received.

I took it to our Heavenly Father through prayer several times. As the evaluation started I was amazed how things unfolded. They were laid out in a manner that I was not expecting and the issues came to the table in a very comfortable and pleasant manner. The individual earnestly engaged in the process and when we completed the session all had been handled without any undue feelings and emotions.

The power of prayer...

Oh, GST, "Grandpa Story Time"

09 March 2012

Wool Rugs

Just thought I would share my new hobby with all of you. I have only made 1 rug, but have spent the last two months collecting old coats and cutting them up to use in new rugs. It has been an adventure! And, I love the whole process!

04 March 2012

Wedding Ideas for Marquie

I thought this would be the best idea ever...

An Ukranian/Irish Wedding!!!

I know how hard it can be to find the things that would make this day most special. Thought this might make it just that... never seen it before in my life. How much more special could you get?

03 March 2012


There are many things in life that we take for granted until we lose them. I have been missing my ability to run on the treadmill for quite some time now, but it really hit me when I was trying to play basketball with the boys and couldn't run. Now I know that this doesn't affect my ability to function from day to day . . . thankfully! But it was sad to have to sit on the sidelines while they got to run around and play. I am just glad to know that it is temporary, but let me just say that I will definitely take advantage of my ability to run when it comes back!

01 March 2012


Yep, we have spotted our first gator in our pond. Yes, the pond is in our backyard. We reviewed some safety tips and hoped to see him again. I love Florida. Oh, I forgot to mention, we had a wonderful time at the beach today!