11 February 2010


In our effort to eat healthier, I have decided we should not eat cold cereal during the winter. I have so much hot cereal in my food storage, it seems silly not to use it when it is cold. I personally do not find hot cereals to my liking. However, I am willing to endure for the sake of health and family. I really can't tell my kids to eat it if I won't. We have cracked wheat, creamy wheat, oatmeal, and GERMADE. Still the only hot cereal I like. We had it today with a spoon of homemade jam. (Thanks Michelle) Mmmm. The kids enjoy flavoring their cereals. We have orange, peppermint, raspberry, and of course syrup. It is fun for them. It is fun to tell the kids of when my Mom made me eat this stuff too. We love food storage. Thanks Mom!


Mom said...

Personally, I'm a fan of hot cereal. But, you're welcome!

Michelle Packard said...

I'm a fan as well...yum!

James said...

I have oatmeal with a big tablespoon of brown sugar at least a few times a week. I love it, especially in winter. So warm, so yummy, so satisfying!