24 June 2008

And we stop

After three days of the slowest sheetrocking known to man, (seriously, they only have one room done), we stop. Why? one would ask. He cut his finger yesterday and had to get 7 stitches. He figures he shouldn't work alone while on heavy pain medications. I would have to agree. He actually came back after getting his stitches and worked several more hours without meds. I felt really bad about it, but decided it was his decision. He will be back Thursday to work again, because his son can come with him. He is doing a great job, just very slowly. On a more humorous note, Ethan covered himself in mud yesterday. So what? It was during my lessons. Still, so what? After throwing him in the shower and finishing my lesson, I walked her outside. What did I find? Mud all over the door, the siding, the post, and HER CAR! Yes, he had thrown wads of mud all over the side and back of her PT Cruiser. Thankfully, she has a sense of humor and I was able to give it a quick wash. I'm also very grateful he threw it instead of smearing. (It was full of rocks!) After we rid the house of mud inside and out, it was a little late to make dinner. We had a quick F.H.E. then went to Pizza Hut. All in all, not to bad!

1 comment:

Justin said...

Heather, thanks for the humor! You are a great Mom, thanks for the example of keeping your sense of humor with things like that!