11 April 2008

First Chair and Last String

Now, before you go and faint on me for actually making Photo Phriday, well even posting for that matter, please accept that the days have been long and the nights short, too many meetings and too much sinus stuff. (Doesn't help the sleep either.) I went from IAD to PIT today. Woke up when I felt a sudden jarring of my seat. We were landing. I didn't even know we had taken off. Then flew from PIT to ORD and, you guessed, it happened all over again. Except this time, I went back to sleep and woke up in time to be one of the last off the plane. I was in row 6! Yes, it has been a long week.

OK, now for the title. We went to a really fun ward dinner and "show" last Friday evening. The "show" was the Young Women putting on a program for the ward centered around the Young Women values. It was really good and fun. One of the presentations was a slide show with one slide a picture of a young woman in band. Funny how things take you back. My mind went back 40 years. (Yes, I am old and you are glad!) to my seventh grade year when I was in band. I imagine most bands are the same, you compete for chair position and that determines which part, 1,2, or 3, you play. It came to my mind that my family may not know that for my seventh grade year and a good portion of my 8th grade year I held first chair, trumpet. Lost it after that because I didn't practice enough. In High School, I think I got it back on the Baritone Horn. Just thought you might like to know.

Last string, you may recognize it from this picture. Do any of you remember when we first bought and where? In a future posting. Love Dad


James said...

I'm thinking it's Grantsville, but it may have been a Wisconsin throwback. It's kind of like your 501s, Dad, we don't know when you got them, we just assume you've always had them. I have tno memories without either of them!

Justin said...

I don't have any clue where you got them, I just remember helping you wind it up on the PVC 'cause you got sick of it getting tangled on the roll it was on. Innovative...