18 September 2012

Interesting Article

I came across this article, today, and I think it's worth sharing here. I've struggled with this idea long and hard, and I've come to the conclusion that it will likely never change. Just last week, as I listened to our nation's leaders deplore the actions of film-makers and hail the dawn of a day of religious tolerance and respect, I wondered why that didn't apply to anyone inside the nation's borders. Why am I narrow-minded, bigoted, racist, and hateful because of my religious beliefs, while other religions are free to exercise their beliefs according to their will? I came to a simple conclusion that broke my heart for our once great nation: Those who stand for truth will, in this world, be ridiculed, mocked, and undervalued while others are artificially supported for personal and political gain. It's just how it is, and it won't change; the scriptures have made that clear.

I hold out hope that we, as a society, can treat others with respect and decency. Again, the scriptures lead me to believe that it is a false hope.

Enjoy and ponder.

Muslims, Mormons, and Liberals


Dad said...

Thank you for sharing this interesting insight.

Heather said...

Loved the article thank you. Sadly, yes it is true and always will be. It actually makes me quite proud to be a Mormon!

Jodi said...

Thanks for the article, loved it.

Believers have not and will not always be mocked, but it happens to be the cross we bare at this time in the history of the world. I have very much enjoyed reading the stories of the Nephites fluctuating righteousness recently in the Book of Mormon as I follow along with Sunday School, and to notice that even in times of gross wickedness, there were still righteous people among them.

Lynne said...

Wow. My hope is that "Mormonism" can always be mocked without violent reprisal. Says a lot about being a Christian.

Justin said...

I do love my family!!