25 February 2011

What to do...

So, it is only 9:40 and I have done the dishes, made dinner, cleaned out the girls closet, rearranged their room, cleaned the toy room, and spent too much time on facebook. What am I going to do the rest of the day? So, I figure I have time to blog. Yeah me!

So, I am driving home from the park with my friend last week and we pass a driveway with boxes saying "free fruit". Hmmm. Well, why not take a look. Well, that look ended up as 37 cups of grapefruit juice and 18 cups of lemon juice. Holy crap. I got most of it, because she figured her small family wouldn't use much. Yummo! We tried juicing without peeling, but it was too bitter. I peeled like the wind and she juiced. Thank heavens for the juicer. (Thanks dad!) This picture you see is of lemons. They were bigger than some of the grapefruit. I now have it all frozen, waiting for delicious things to be made. Or, cool people to come visit and share it with me..... The whole process was finished in just under two hours.

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