04 February 2011

Play Kitchen Idea

So, my boys don't really play kitchen, although the do spend quite a bit of time in the real one, mostly eating. I don't think they need any more encouragement to think kitchen thoughts.

Anyway, I know some of you already maintain play kitchens, but if anyone wants a killer idea, I found one this morning while I was browsing. Look at it here.

I thought it was pretty awesome and super duper simple (not to mention cheap!) There you go. Love you all!


Heather said...

That is super cute.

Mom said...

Some people are soooooo clever and some people are such good copiers. Thanks James. Don't suppose I'll make one soon, but it's such a cute idea!

Michelle Packard said...

I've seen these before and I love them! If I had room I would probably have one, or at least an unfinished one awaiting a beautiful makover.