01 January 2010

So it is almost 2010... The future is exciting. The way I see it, either our economy grows and I have a job or it tanks, we might go to war, our government falls apart and it forces the second coming... either way, we win!

Just saw a potential investor to start my business, he doesn't agree too much with the product but he is holding on to something that interests him about it and wants to meet again next week. We will see what will happen then.

We had a new years party at our neighbors home. They are Spanish and poor Shell had trouble communicating but they spoke broken English about as good as my broken Spanish. We ate tacos with carne asada, cow tongue, spicy pork, cilantro, onions, lime, and a crazy fruit drink they call punch but we would call apple cider. Except they put some fruit in their they called guanana. Maybe Joe could tell us all about it. It was sure delightful. Their hot sauce was beyond enjoyable, really... Shell sweat it all out and was itchy all over.

Happy new years to all! Love you.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Bryce, love your first comment and you are right, either way we win. Dinner sounds grand and I am jealous.