25 January 2010

Posting just to Post

So, I'm getting bored of signing on to the blog and having nothing to read, so I thought I best do my part. Let me start with the most exciting things first...are you ready...so awesome...President Monson just announced a temple to be built in Payson. For those of you who don't understand how awesome that is...It will literally be like four minutes away...see...I told you...AWESWOME! I'm pretty sure this will up temple attendance in our area (I know for the rest of you who have to travel quite some distance to go to the temple this could seem ridiculous, after all we are within 45 minutes of 5 other temples. Non the less in our imperfections we will rejoice greatly in this new development.)
Well, now there really is nothing exciting left. Julia is pretty sick with what appears to be the flu. Not really sure. She has super high fever terrible cough, runny nose and way lethargic. My big goal today has been to keep her hydrated. I pretty much tried everything, including giving her water through a syringe. It was kind of touch and go for a while after she refused the syringe, until I found an old otter pop in the freezer. It was magic. After she downed it I called a friend and bummed some otter pops off of her. Julia ate like five right off the bat. Then another friend brought over some gatorade, so I made gatorade ice cubes. She only ate a couple but some is better than nothing...we are so not doing the hospital thing this year! Well, here is to hoping all of your lives are doing well and that I get to hear about it. Oh yeah, one more super exciting thing, I got to talk to Justin and Jodi on Skype...It was Fantastic and you should totally be jealous...he he he. Love You!


Bryce said...

I Can't believe So much has happened since I left... This morning at 5.

Love you Shelle

James said...

Bryce, that is hilarious. Sorry Julia is unwell, but we hope she gets better soon. Our family has the incessant chest coughs. Blah for that. Get her better soon!