12 December 2008

A few more pictures from our Chicago trip

I know I posted photos yesterday, but thought I would search Marquie's folder for some more fun pictures. Congratulations to all you end of semesterers. I assume, now just finals to go. All you involved in "public school"--James, Liz, Joe, Bryce, Justin, Jodi and of course, Marquie (who is not to the end of the semester until the middle of January), lots of you are almost to the end of your education journey. Some of you are just beginning, and then there are those of you in the middle. Anyway, all that meandering behind us--CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! And, also a congratulations to Michelle and Bryce on the near completion of their home--send pictures! And, to Heather who is very much "back in the saddle" again.

Wow, we have so much to be thankful for!

Skyline High School had a two hour delay today. It rained. Enough said.

May I recommend some good reading to you all who have a little time on your hands. I have been studying Elder Bednar's talks on prayer from the last two conferences for our young women's lesson on Sunday. It has been a marvelous experience. I highly recommend these talks for your perusal (I really have no idea how to spell that word, but I know what it means.) I was especially inspired by his counsel on the connection between our morning and evening prayers. Let me know what yout think.

I guessed I've mother meandered long enough. Have a wonderful Friday!

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