02 July 2008


Mum recommended (and let me borrow) Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Album.  I have been reading it while I lie on the bed with a heat pad or ice on my shoulder (heat come before the physical therapy, ice comes after and is accompanied by electrical shock...most assuredly my favorite part) as part of my physical therapy.  It amounts to about 30 minutes every time and provides for great reading of books that I don't have to read for school (it is my little treat to myself).  Well, that aside, the book was wonderful, exploring life, and its meanings, from the eyes of a man struggling with Lou Gehrig's Disease.  His insight has helped me to explore some of the areas of my own life that I am not finding full satisfaction in (even though for most of those areas I didn't even know were not satisfied until I read).  I would recommend it, and Mum, I will get that back to you when you come out here! 

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