01 July 2008

Books I like

K, I'll name a few books I would recommend.

I like "A Distant Prayer" by Joseph Banks.  This is an LDS man who served in WWII in the air force.  He was shot down over enemy-lines and became a prisoner of war.  The book is about how prayer and his reliance on Heavenly Father got him through it all.  (also, I knew his grandson)

A really exciting book is "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown.  This is the prequel to "Davinci Code" and in my opinion much intriguing and exciting.  It's a thriller.  I heard some girl say the other day it was to sensationalized, so it might be a little much for some people.

Favorite kids' book: "The Monster at the End of This Book", a Sesame Street book.  It's got Grover in it and has a funny/cute/surprising ending of Grover himself being the monster at the end of the book that he's previously scared/nervous about.  Very cute.


James said...

I agree about Angels and Demons. WAY better than DaVinci, and a real thriller. The Monster at the End of the Book is a classic in our house. I've loved it since I was but a wee one.

Mom said...

Jodi, I've read them all and they are good.