19 July 2008

The Calm . . .

I was just loving the name of this blog as it is really fitting especially right now in our lives.  We will move into our new home on Monday, but today I was just sitting and enjoying the calm.  The boys are playing quietly, there is no packing, cleaning or online work to be done and well, I get to just relax.  I have started reading Jane Eyre and am quite intrigued thus far.  But I have determined to enjoy this calm today and tomorrow before the storm hits on Monday and new online classes start and I have a new home to move into, etc, etc.  Here is just a fun late photo Friday of me relaxing . . . when is the last time anyone saw that?  :)  Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you got some rest! I wish you two and your kids could be here for the reunion.