24 January 2015

Snapshot Saturday

Well, I never really sat down much yesterday, so as usual I am a Saturday blogger.

Simon felt very left out when we were eating oranges, so I gave him an orange in this cute little baby feeder that someone gave him.  He can chew on it and suck on it but only get the juice, so there is nothing to choke on.  He love it!

This is me at James' show last night.  The seating is on the stage, which was pretty incredible.  It was fun to look out at the 'audience.'  The show is really fun and will be playing next weekend, too, if you want to come and see it!

It was a fun week and NO ONE was sick!  The boys participated in a  geography bowl and had a blast.  Joshua was very quick to the buzzer and led his team to a victory.  Michael is still at his campout.  It is a Klondike competition, so I hope they win.  But if he stayed warm last night then everyone is a winner in my book!


Dad said...

Orange holder for tots? Who would have thought. Wish I could be at the show.

Liz said...

Dad, You can put anything in that that can suck on, but I haven't figured out what else to try.

Jodi said...

I've heard they're great. You can do any kind of fruit, or a cooked vegetable.

Great job Joshua!

Lynne said...

Wonderful all around!