30 January 2015

Friday's Photos - More From the Past

Near as I can tell this is in 1958.  We were still doing quite a bit of family camping at this time.  After  Larry and Deon were married and Calvin and Roger went on missions the family camping basically ended.  I am sad about that.  I think I missed some good opportunities.  In the background is our dog Laddy.  I have always had a love for a good axe.

There is a great deal of history in this picture.  First is the derrick.  It is the implement built out of poles.  It was used to stack loose hay.  The hay was forked onto a wagon, hauled to the yard and then pulled off the wagon and put on the stack by the derrick.  It was horse powered and a good "operator" could unload a wagon in four lifts.  When we started to bale hay, we cut the tines of the Jackson Fork shorter and used this to unload the bales and put on the stack.  Sorry, no picture of the Jackson Fork.  Google it.  The manger you see is the one that dad and the other boys built when they took over farming.  It was one of the best designs I have ever seen.  You can also see Deon riding one of the steers. 
I really wanted to play the drums!  However, the baritone was truly enjoyable.  This picture I believe was in 1973.  In High School, one of the baritone players was kicked out of band.  We had ample trumpet players and I immediately volunteered to learn the baritone.  It was great.  Interestingly, Roger also started on the trumpet as I did but in college he picked up the baritone while in the ROTC band flight.  This was a Sunday evening just having fun.  Left to right:  Byron, Roger, Larry.

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