10 January 2015

A Rough Week

Well, I didn't get many pictures, but I thought I would just post an update.  Simon spent most of the week sick, but he is starting to feel better now.  Phew!  I forgot what it is like to have a sick baby.  It is no fun at all!  And Hyrum is working hard to make as many messes as possible.  He is very good at it but fortunately I have a good team of helpers to keep him under control.

During all the chaos I did manage to get the kitchen pantry cleaned out and organized.  I had much more planned, but plans change.  I am glad I got that done, though, and I love being able to find things in my pantry easily!


Lynne said...

So glad Simon is feeling better....and, oooooo, I always hated cleaning up the games the kids got into. Made me want to throw them away. But, I usually didn't. :)

Jodi said...

It was so fun having you! We've been adjusting over here too...coming off of the holidays. Ava got way sicker but she's on antibiotics now and doing better.