16 January 2015

Photo Friday

Well, this week it was Hyrum's turn to be sick.  It was much easier to have a sick Hyrum than Simon. He would sit up in James' office and watch movies, so I could still do school with the big boys.

Sleeping in James' office.  He is feeling better now and ate most of his meals today AND kept them down.  YIPPEE! 

It never ceases to amaze me the strange places my kids work on school.  They all ended up  on the floor.  Maybe it was because I was sitting on the floor with Simon.  

And then there is Simon who is now getting into trouble at a young age.  He has learned to get up but not down.  I can't wait until he learns to get down, especially in bed.  
I am hopeful that we are all well now and that we can stop being sick.  It will also really help because we have some things scheduled this week that I would prefer not to cancel.  Fingers crossed and many prayers said.  Love you all!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

My goodness, you have such cute boys! Miss you all. Glad you are on the mend.