08 August 2014

Photo Friday

Sushi date!

Date crasher on said sushi date.

It's not unusual to walk into Ava's room in the morning and find
her like this. She doesn't starting fussing until she gets stuck.

Ay yi yi...life.

The new Bean Museum at BYU was way more grand than I had anticipated.
I used to clean this building as a freshman, but it looked nothing like this!
She kept trying to get some ice cream, and ended up with two spoons and no real tastes.

This was some of our giggle time today.


Lynne said...

Love sushi dates! Did Ava like the sushi? Such beautiful daughters!

Dad said...

Wonderful pictures! Thank you.

Liz said...

How fun! I don't know how we are supposed to fit groceries in the cart with our kids. I took the two littles to the store and managed to get 4 watermelons and a pizza in with them. I was really grateful for the underneath of the cart. :)

Jodi said...

Ava ate rice and she loved it.

Liz, I opted for one of the gigantic carts after trying to fit everyone into a regular one. Many stores in Utah have carts that have a caboose with two kid seats, which gives enough spots for three kids.

Dad said...

I remember going to the store in Chicago and a lady staring at us and asking if these were all our children... Not sure we had any food in the basket, just kids.