14 August 2014

Canning Time!

I know you all have been doing lots of this, but I have not seen any yet.  So, let me be the first....
9 quart jars, about 3 quarts frozen (for smoothies) and some left to eat.  These peaches are huge!  An 3 to 3.5 peaches per quart!  Love to can that way!

Such a beautiful photo!


Jodi said...

Yum! We haven't done any.

Dad said...

I think we are just going to leave them on the counter and look at them!

Liz said...

So pretty! I can't wait to can our own peaches . . . in a few years. :) For now we'll enjoy our tomatoes, beans and corn. Oh, and that super yummy tomato sauce using Jodi's recipe! We have frozen over a gallon now!