14 August 2014


Here's a quick post to let you all know that we OFFICIALLY HAVE INTERNET IN OUR APARTMENT!!! I'm posting from our apartment. The google fiber guy JUST left. I'm SO EXCITED! OH YEAH! Google Fiber. Free. Best day.

Here is my excitement:
See! In my apartment! Blogging! Sorry I look like a mess. But not really sorry. I mean. I'm almost 38 weeks pregnant and I've been sick for 2 days. Yesterday I got ready, but it wasn't worth it today. I'm happy. Lovin my sweats. And my internet. I'm really excited! We haven't had internet in our apartment for 7 1/2 months! (The whole time we have lived here.) 2 school semesters. And now we have it for free. It is going to be such a blessing to us for the next 2 semesters with a little baby. We can do all our homework at home! Oh yay!

Now I have to go pick Patrick up from work. :)


Lynne said...

Then, do we get to see Patrick's happy we-have-internet face?

Jodi said...

Woohoo! So happy for you!

You're gonna HAVE A BABY!

So so soon!

Liz said...

Yippee! I can't imagine being a student nowadays without internet. Great timing! I can't wait for that little man to arrive!