01 August 2014

Photo Friday

So, every Friday rolls around and I think "Well, I probably don't have much to post for Photo Friday" and then I look through the pictures on my phone and SO enjoy reviewing some of  the stuff we did that week. I really love this time each Friday when I get to reflect on the past week. So, thanks for providing me the opportunity.

Our new "Twister Jar" that can make really thick stuff.
This one is berry ice cream.

Vida video chatting with Daddy when he was gone on business this week.

Ava broke skin with that sharp little tooth of hers.

Jaime trying out the costume we picked up at a garage sale.

Friends over this morning! Also, Vida is really obsessed with that princess dress.
And Otter Pops. Nobody can seem to get enough of Otter Pops.


Liz said...

Fun pictures! Whose blood did she spill?

Jodi said...

Mine! She bit my thumb (pictured).