29 November 2010


Jaime has been having skin reactions. I first noticed it one morning after feeding her some pineapple from a can. I think it was the first time she's ever had pineapple. I was worried and took her into the doctor, also having him check on her eczema. After looking her over he told me that she's got really sensitive skin and that she's likely to react to many things (with eczema and skin reactions reciprocally flaring each other up) and to keep an eye out for what she's reacting to and keep it from her. I thought it was the acid from the pineapple, so I was careful to keep acidic things away from her. But today, she had the reactions below from either home-canned peaches (I don't think this is likely, as she's eaten these peaches for quite some time and I've never noticed anything) or commercially-canned corn. To add to the confusion...later on in the day she had an orange without a hitch. So it's not acid. What?! Now I'm thinking it's something having to do with commercially canned products. Maybe some kind of preservative they use in canning?

It should be noted that these are solely skin reactions. She does not get a swollen tongue or have trouble breathing.

I've never dealt with this and nobody in my family has these problems. I'm wondering if any of you have experience with this and can help me out.


Liz said...

I remember Joshua had sensitive skin and changing his soap really helped. He still uses Ivory just in case. It could be a weather issue more than a food issue but I am definitely not a doctor. :)

James said...

I think Heather is the queen of strange skin reactions—what say you, little sis?

Mom said...

I talked to Heather, she said she would call you.

Jodi said...

She did, thanks! Her advice involved a lot of lotion, Vaseline, steroid cream and constantly wiping down Jaime's hands while she's eating.

Michelle Packard said...

When Julia was on processed baby food she had constant reactions on her face. Everyone told me it could not possibly be the jarred baby food, but when I stopped giving it to her...it went away promptly. I think there may be something to this processed canned food thing.