15 March 2010


16 pounds of bananas, 2 jars of peanut butter, 8 boxes of mac and cheese, 3 boxes of spaghetti, 5 loaves of bread, 2 #10 cans of oatmeal, 10 pounds of apples, and half a bottle of vitamin c later, we are back to normal. The crazy thing is, a whole family left my house last night and there are still 7 people here. Hmm..... Friday night most everyone enjoyed Suessical. Joe was sure at this point he would not possibly make another moment. Blah. Everyone was exhausted Saturday, but played surprisingly well. Joe worked at the temple all day, so missed out on all the crazy. Church actually went pretty well. Except for that whole Jacob thing. James and Liz got back here around 10:30. We enjoyed a little chatty time, (they were a little wired), and then they were off. All in all, not a bad 10 days. Things were rather calm this morning. The kids enjoyed much of the day outside. I think Collin appreciated not sharing things with anyone. Would I do it again? Sure. But not yet. Of course, Joe might disappear if I do.


Mom said...

Congratulations! 8 children, now only 5!...take out the chickens, take out the cow, take out the horse...ah, peace and calm. :)

Liz said...

LOL! I love that book and it is so true.