08 October 2009

Super shop

So, I had so much fun on my little shopping trip today. I love shopping sales. I just wish one of you had been here to share in the fun. I got 24 boxes of cereal, 20 boxes of granola bars, 10 boxes of Zatairans rice, 10 boxes of instant oatmeal (name brand), 14 packages of various McCormick seasonings, 14 boxes of whole wheat pasta, 2 packages other pasta, strawberries, carrots, and pears. What did this insane shop cost you ask? Only $100.00. I was so excited. I felt like a super shopper. It made me want to shop more. I didn't, I went home and took a nap. I know it isn't Friday yet, but I figured it was close enough. If I don't do it now, I'm sure I will forget tomorrow. This is a picnic in the living room we had about a month and a half ago. It was fun. The kids made a "house" out of the chairs and blanket. They were very excited to eat in it.

1 comment:

Mom said...

THanks for being the Photo Friday example!