13 October 2009

Special birthday surprise!

I will blog Joshua's birthday on our blog but something very special happened right before he went to bed on his 6th birthday. He lost his first tooth! He was very excited and has been looking forward to this moment for weeks!

Oh, and I just couldn't help myself but include a picture of a slice of his brownie cheesecake. SO GOOD! And worth every calorie. :)


Justin said...

Happy Birthday Joshua. Looking back, I do wonder why I got so excited to lose teeth... Some strange fascination for all children... Tooth fairy? Jealousy? Desire to suck through a straw without having to unclench your teeth? There has to be some motivation!

Mom said...

Congratulations, Joshua! Can't wait to see that hole in your mouth!

Heather said...

I want the cheesecake.

Marquie said...

so...you are gonna make that for me, right? pretty pretty pretty pretty please? I'll ask you nice in person, too. :)