28 June 2015

Some stuff

Our lives have been quite un-photo worthy this week, unless you'd like to see the standing water in our garden? I didn't think so. Here are a few tidbits designed to both delight and make sure we don't stop posting. Although, our texts have become delightfully descriptive, haven't they?

Somebody got a hold of a marker. He got to clean it up and enjoyed every second. 

I did some much needed finish work on the master bathroom. The ledge is weathered wood that actually weathered right in our driveway. And, I finally mastered the art of making a picture frame so that I could frame our mirror. It's routed, mitered, and clipped right in place! That is actual red-washed barn wood I took off a barn with my own bare hands. 

So there you go. I had a video of Hyrum catching a beanbag that is too cute for words but it won't upload. Oh well. I'll have to text it!

1 comment:

Dad said...

Your work in the bathroom is really quite amazing. Well done.