05 June 2015

Photo Friday

We have been fighting a but this week, but we still did a lot of weeding and were excited to have James come home.

Simon has been sick most of the week.  He is sweet sick, but it makes me sad.  

We have a lot of tomatoes to weed, but we did it!

Peppers are weeded and mulched!  We are going to do better about mulching, so we can do less weeding!

Fore FHE we talked about Captain Moroni preparing the cities for war.  Our was a much yummier version.  

Then, we applied it to our lives.  It was a fun time!

Hyrum has taken to showering multiple times a day.  He loves our shower.  It has its perks as long as he doesn't flood the room. 

Hyrum thought the mulch was fun to play in.  And this is why he ends up in the shower so often!  At least he is clean!

I know many of you are having exciting weeks, so I would love to see some pictures from them!


Jodi said...

They all look so happy! Love the FHE idea.

Dad said...

You will love the mulch on the garden. It will make the summer so much better and the soil better for next year. Have fun.

Lynne said...

I wish I had room in my shower for a beautiful plant. But alas, and oh joy, at least it fits me! Thanks for the wonderful photos. Hope everyone is well now.