20 March 2014

My weekly projects

While Dad has been in London this week, I have been trying to get reorganized, motivated by all the help James gave me while they were here.  I've been cleaning out my "dresser" in my closet into the beautiful dresser James painted for me; I've been trying to put Dad's office back in order, since we moved out the armoire, but not all the stuff stored there; and I have gone through all the toys and condensed and organized so kids can easily put them away and find them again.  I have to admit, this kind of organization did not work for my kids, but I hope it will assist in clean up at the end of a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house!
"big kid" toys

"little kid" toys

Always favorite dress ups

The results--no more mess!

Do you think it will work?


Justin said...

Looks great, Mom! I hope to come let our kids make a mess with those toys!

Liz said...

My boys are pretty impressed! They think that we are becoming too similar. :) I hope you have enjoyed the quiet!

Liz said...
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Lynne said...

Liz, I have enjoyed the cleaning out and organizing, but not so much the quiet!

Jodi said...

You can come visit us if you don't like quiet!!