05 March 2014


You have no idea how badly I wanted a baked treat yesterday, but this week is double no-sugar points. So, you better bet I did not have any treats. No way am I sacrificing 10 points for taking two treat days this week.

(We have a dinner party on Saturday that will include several treats that we don't want to miss out on. So, we decided at the beginning of the week that we'd save our treat day for then.)

How's that for a discussion board for the week, Heather?

And to add to the discussion about sugar this week, I didn't know I was addicted. I blame it on the holidays. Going off sugar (except for the one day a week) was hard for me. Harder than I thought it would be. Patrick and I were discussing the topic and we decided we think it'd be easier to go off sugar completely, because the once a week thing just brings cravings the day after.
How has it been for y'all?


Lynne said...

I find it lots easier to eat treats once I start. Probably abstinence would be easier.

Heather said...

I do better when I either eat it when I feel like or not at all. Once a week just makes me want to binge. Then I go crazy because I have to wait a whole week for more.

Marquie said...

Well. personally, I've learned to control myself really well somedays, and that's been great. However, it's really hard for me on the weekends. And it is really hard for me to wait a whole week. Sometimes I just eat a treat because I want to, but I've noticed that if I've been doing well on self-control, I don't binge on them. Even if I eat them 5 days a week. :) But some days I still do binge. And it's rough.

Liz said...

I personally cannot binge or I will get super sick. This indigestion is killing me! But I, too, am addicted to sugar. I pulled off one no sugar day this week but that is the first one in awhile. For some reason I did great the first week, but after that I found that I just wanted a little treat every day. If I weren't pregnant I think I would be in better control, but I am, so I'm not. :) But I have been in control and don't eat a lot and that is much healthier than I have been. Progress. I'll have to work on that when I'm not pregnant and am ready to take off this baby weight.

Jodi said...

I had a breakthrough today. I woke up relieved that my treat day was over. The longer we go in this challenge, the less my body craves sugar and the more I dread eating it because it makes me feel sick to my stomach now.

I'm going to try having a nonchalant treat day this next week, not planning to eat a treat but if something sounds good then I might go for it, but give myself permission to NOT indulge if I really don't feel like it.