14 March 2014

Photo Friday

Dinner Party we went to where someone brought Creme Brûlée
for dessert. We each got to torch our own. It was really cool.
Ava trying out her bumbo. Still a little small for it.
Roasted a banana squash, pureed it, and then it eventually became my
delicious squash pasta sauce, which ended up in lasagna. Joe is right. As the squash
sat in the basement, it got sweeter and sweeter. Who knew squash is a fruit?
We got the girl scout cookies we ordered a long time ago on
Monday. Monday. I'm saving my treat day until Sunday.
It has been a long week of passing them out to the kids one
by one and really hoping there are some left by Sunday :(

1 comment:

Liz said...

Your will power is impressive! Enjoy your cookies on Sunday!