20 March 2014

Photo Friday

Look, I'm early!  Yippee!   Here are some fun photos from our trip to Virginia.  Enjoy!

Enjoying the 60º weather together.  I love just going outside and watching Hyrum play!

The shovels are still out, so why not play with them without snow!

If there is no snow to shovel you can always shovel your brother!

Just too cute not to share!

And while the boys played . . . mom and James shopped!  In the end plenty of money was spent but homes were beautified!

Michael loves to put Hyrum on his shoulder and fall onto the couch.  They both have a blast but sometimes I have to close my eyes because they don't fall slowly.

This is for Jodi and her girls . . . it may not be homemade yogurt, but it is still yummy and makes a great mess!

Now if only I can talk Hyrum into sitting or kneeling when he eats, but apparently standing is the way to go.  


Lynne said...

Loved the photos! And, loved having you all here! Thanks so much for making the effort to brighten our lives.

Jodi said...

I love the photos! Hyrum is so cute, and your other boys are all getting so big! It'll be fun to seem them this summer! Starting to get excited about that.

Lynne said...

Liz, you know that you and Hyrum look just alike in that photo.