26 March 2011



So i was looking through old posts a few weeks ago and came across a photo friday... weird huh? Well it used to be this really cool thing where every Friday everyone would post a picture either of something that was happening, a past event that brought back memories, or anything they desired really. I thought it was AWESOME!! So LAST week, I thought HEY! I'm going to do that. But I forgot.... and then I remembered again.... today. So I don't care if it's Saturday I'm posting anyways. I have an excellent picture to put up that explains my Friday afternoon/evening/night, but sadly I can't take it from my camera to my computer. I'll have to work on that this weekend. So in the meantime, here's another one I like.

1 comment:

James said...

BEAUTIFUL! I can never get a good shot from an airplane. Well done! I'll try to post photos more often. :)