04 March 2011


So I went to give Julia a good night kiss and to my fright (it was more like a gasp!) a spider ran across her pillow...ahh! Well that spider scuried so fast he was bound to get away (then crawl on Julia and bite her sweet soft skin and cause some debilitating reaction) but I thought to myself "not today"! I smashed him with my hand...ahhhhhh!!!!! Do you want to know why I did that...I'll tell you. It's because I'm awesome...seriously...that's why...I'm awesome!


Mom said...

You are an awesome, fearless Mom!

James said...

Well told story, sister. You are, indeed, awesome!

Liz said...

Go Michelle! You rock!

Heather said...

I just think mommy crazy kicked in. Way to give that spider a hiya!

Michelle Packard said...

Thank you all for the added self esteem boost.