24 May 2010

Soooo Cold!

Ummm...where is SPRING? It is snowing at my house this morning and I am feeling rather glum about it. My kids just walked into the kitchen armed in their coats hats and gloves to go outside. Every half hour or so I peek out the back windows to mourn over my budding and snow covered garden. Here's to hoping it doesn't freeze. It's looking so vunerable. Don't get me wrong...this is Utah and we actually pray for moisture here. I suppose we were just hoping for rain insteasd of snow. Love you all and I'll see most of you in a couple of weeks...yeah!


Mom said...

So sorry about the garden; but, we are sure excited to see you!

Justin said...

Bummer...It was 84 and sunny here yesterday! Hope the weather evens out, after all, it is almost June!

Liz said...

I wish I could send you 10 extra degrees. it has been just a little too warm for my tastes. Come visit us and it will be nice and warm!