06 May 2010

Just an update

I thought it was about time I blogged. Marquie down loaded some of the pictures from my camera, so I can even do a picture story. Things have been hectic, but fun at our house. Of course, you all know, Marquie might describe it in other terms. She is taking her AP English test this morning. Diana spent the evening and night with a Mexican exchange student to celebrate Cinco de Mayo (which, by the way, she told us is not Mexican Independence Day, just a celebration of winning a revolution). And, Dad is in Atlanta this week, on the West Coast next week, and in Europe the following week, which is also the week Diana leaves for home...then ya'll are coming to visit us for graduation!

We had a fun week with James and Liz and the boys. It was sad to see them drive off yesterday morning. Michael's baptism was very special, and he bore his testimony to us in family council Sunday evening. And, we had a fun day on Tuesday at the zoo. Also, James and Dad and I attended the All Virginia State Choir performance last Saturday with Marquie. It was not her best big choir experience, but then, it's hard to beat Craig Jessop.

"Your a Good Man Charlie Brown" was fantastic--no really. Marquie was incredible as the twitterpaited (I really have no idea how to spell that) Sally Brown. I've had neighbors stop me on the street to tell me what a great job she did. She pretty much "stole the show", but I do have to say all the cast had great performances. Now we are in rehearsal for "The Sound of Music" that performs on the weekend of the 22nd of May. Marquie's recital is next weekend and she's pretty freaked out about that. And, we have a choir concert on May 30. That should pretty much wrap things up for us with craziness.

Oh yes, Marquie is headed to Johnsburg this weekend for Prom. We finally got her dress taken apart and put back together to her satisfaction. It is lovely--she is lovely. Someday, we'll post pictures from that prom.

I couldn't find baptism pictures, but will post when I do and there is also a picture of JoAnne and Greg and Chelsey's visit.


James said...

Yippee! I love it when you blog three months of activities, Mom. We're excited to come back soon!

Justin said...

Ummm, didn't know Michael was getting baptized! (Well, I figured it was coming sooner or later.) We wish we could be there for all the fun, but there are so many fun things here than ALL of you should come and experience with us!

Melanie said...

This is so fun to read about what you guys are up to! I wish I could have seen Marquie in her show!! That would have been so awesome! I hope she has fun at her prom and hope you all are doing fabulously. :D
