27 September 2009

Aunt JoAnne's speech

Some of you know and some of you don't of the the Workman family's involvement with the Sutherland Institute and their involvement in helping others to understand the importance of the family in America.

Aunt JoAnne spoke at a seminar in Provo yesterday. I thought you might be interested in her recap of the event. So here it is...

I imagine that someone else can tell you better how it was received. The talk went smoothly enough, I did'nt cry, even when our family stood up. Pam said, I started out speaking to fast, but soon fell into a better pace. The event was not as well attended as they had hoped, there were probably near 300 present. Quite a variety of individuals. Our family and the friends who dared to come. Several Professors from BYU who came and talked with me afterward. Some had required that their students attend. One of the gentleman running for Mayor. At least one Principal of one of our larger private schools, some political activists, one guy who wanted my e-mail address, (I gave him the Sutherland email address) the missionary couple in charge of the building, our state senator, reporters and I really don't know who else. Those are just the ones that identified themselves to me.

There were about 8-10 protesters outside holding signs and having people honk for equality. The Headline on the front page of the Daily Herald Said "The Sanctity of Marriage Hurts Families." The protesters took the headline, the picture and the bold caption, as well as the first and last of the article. They quoted parts of my talk, of course taken out of context. No other talk was quoted, so I guess I stirred the pot, or something. It is obvious that even in Provo, Utah the tide has been turned in favor of sophistry. There fore emphasizing the need for this kind of dialogue.

Inside the tabernancle I think it was a different experience for most, hard to tell. The other talks were quite intellectual, but there was a crowd who came to hear that also. We had a chance to speak afterward with Mark and Lesa Carter. I have never seen Mark so fired up! He was anxious for more information. This is office talk where he works. He was anxious to teach his children and his friends. So who knows.

The Sutherland Institute has been extremely kind and appreciative. Their entire board of directors thanked me. I participated in a beautiful prayer meeting before we began. Where the benefactor of the Sutherland Institute offered the prayer, Sister Swim. She has been a member of the YW General board, and her words in doing the will of our Heavenly Father were encouraging to me. Giving me confidence that the group I have associated our family with is of good intent. They want to build the kingdom of God. Paul Mero sent me a personal note and the Sutherland group sent me flowers yesterday. They could not have been more gracious. The Sutherland Director over this area, who I have been working with, Dave Kimball who had read my talk prior to the event many times, each draft, had tears in his eyes when I finished the practice run through earlier in the day at the tabernancle.

While all of this has been happening, the sweetest things happened at home. Chelsey has been coming home all week sharing with me different thoughts, a scripture she read: 2 Nephi 2:13: "And if ye shall say there is no law, ye shall also say there is no sin. Ye also shall say there is no righteousness. And if there be no righteousness there be no happiness. And if ther be no righteousness nor happiness there be no punishment nor misery. And if these things are not there is no God. And if there is no God, we are not, neither the earth: for there could have been no creation of things, neither to act nor to be acted upon: wherefore, all things must have vanished away." She saw something else in her government class about how political culture in America more than any other place in the world in the past has been passed on in the homes of the people in family discussions. She has been my practice audience for days, and of course planned my outfit to wear. Jay brought me a book that was given to him by an ambassador to the U.N. about the "Plundering of the law". It was writen in 1830, and has brillant thoughts. Brad & Scott have contributed thoughts regularly about practicality, and supported me in a number of ways as has Tyler. (helping cover for me in the office). We are seeking and challenging ourselves in a new way. In a broader sense, our entire family has given me food for thought and the finished talk is a culmination of our association together. On the day of the talk and the day after, my home has been filled with flowers. The whole family deserves. So who knows where all of this will lead us. But for me it has been a journey, so far of some sacrifice, but of great benefit. The rest of the family has yet to make their public debut. They will be even better. It will be the lessons that change attitudes and bless families and hopefully eventually the nation!

Thank you all for your interest and Contributions. You know Jeff it was you who started it all! Mom and Dad who gave us the best of family environments in which to learn to love and support one another and Lynne who has always been a hero for me!



I do have a copy of the talk she gave. If you are interested, I will email to you.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Mum, I would like a copy of Aunt JoAnne's address. Thanks!