01 September 2009

Family Home Evening

I originally titled this post "No News" and proceeded to explain that there was nothing worth taking note of in our lives, but then I remembered our FHE last night. I was in charge...which usually means it is not as creative, nor as fun. But last night, I did alright. We made a quick dinner together, then grabbed the Ensign and headed up to the base of Y Mountain. There are multiple wildfires burning in Utah, and combined with the strong inversion so common to Utah Valley, the sunset was beautiful, and the view of the valley exquisite.

For our reading, we chose Elder Kevin W. Pearson's "Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ" from the Saturday afternoon session. As we set out on our exploration of the this address, we were very impressed by the simple way Elder Pearson taught us about faith. He helped us understand two different levels of faith: 1) faith that comes from desire, hope and belief; and 2) faith unto POWER. He emphasized that the latter (faith as a principle of power) comes from our being obedient. Power can never come if we are not obedient. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple. Obey. Simple, right? And so we have determined to increase our commitment to live more obediently to the simple counsels we receive, namely regular family scripture study, and daily morning and evening family prayer. The blessings of doing so are clearly evident. Life is rich and full when founded on obedience.


James said...

What a great reminder, Justin. Thanks for sharing (and I think you did great for your Family Home Evening!)

Mom said...

Thank you Justin! Obedience. Yup, that's pretty much it! Even when we have a good basis, there is so much to "...remember, remember, my son..."