27 November 2008

Thanksgiving Fun Facts and Memories

Good Morning Family and all others who may be reading. It is a gorgeous Thanksgiving morning in Front Royal, Virginia. We have started the day slowly, having breakfast wrapped up at 11:00! It was delicious, omelets, juice and hash browns. We are planning for dinner around 4:00 PM. It is very different to have only the three of us together but we have a great deal of love in our family and that is something to really cherish even through we are celebrating in four different places today.

OK, Fun Fact --
You may have read that President Bush pardoned the National Turkey this morning in a tradition that goes back to President Trumanan. What you may not know is that this pardoned bird is rushed off to Washington Dulles International Airport for a non-stop trip on United Airlines to the west coast, first class. Yes, that is passenger first class. I have been advised that by the time the plane arrives in Los Angeles the passengers are more than happy to get off the plane. I am grateful my assignments do not include bird sitting!

Memories --
I was browsing through pictures to try and find some from Thanksgiving celebrations from when mom and I were children. I struck out on that but found some from 1991 when we lived on Tower Road. Marquie, you were part of the family, but were still in the hospital for this holiday. Hope you enjoy the pictures and also that your holiday today is fill with the joy of creating your own family memories. Love Dad

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