01 August 2015

Snapshot Saturday

We spend a lot of our time gardening, but it is starting to pay off.  Most of our tomatoes are doing great.  Hopefully the rest of them will catch up once they get to enjoy not being flooded.   We are getting ready to start school on Monday.  We had school lunches to discuss the upcoming school year plan.  It was a lot of fun and it got the boys excited about starting, which was a good thing.  Here are a few pictures that I have been collecting.  Some are older than others.  :)

This is the boys lighting some candles while the power was out after the tornado.  

I caught the boys all hanging out together, and it was cute, so I took a picture.

Building is what we do all the time.  These are bristle blocks, but I have seen legos, duplos, bristle blocks and knex all over the place.  

This is a site that we see a lot around here.  Joshua has learned to do this all on his own.  You need to train them young.

And here is the result!  I freeze most of the tomato sauce, but I saved this to  make Chicken Tikka Masala!  Yum!

We are now up to 21 quarts of tomatoes.  It is a good start.  My goal is to reach 150.  Eek!  I don't know if I can pull it off, but I will sure try.  

I hope you are all well and love hearing from you via text!

1 comment:

Dad said...

One of my favorite memories of my youth was eating a bottle full of chilled home canned tomatoes. Loved them!