07 August 2015

Photo Friday!

Well, it's almost school time, again. Actually, the boys started back this week, already. I get another week, but it's not enough time. Seriously. Here are some photos that describe our lives right now. 
I made these adjustable sawhorses for a new desk for my school office. I milled down some timber I used for the set of our play last year and it's my new desk. I thought it was cool. 

This is our life. We are rustic people, clearly. 

Our anniversary this year is my first day of school, so to celebrate 15 wonderful years, we took a night in Chicago, had fun in the city, are marvelous food, and went to the theatre. Mind blowing was this one, people. 

And, to continue the celebration theme, our potatoes did not rot with all of our flooding! They are delicious and perfect. We are grateful. 

As always, we miss you and love you and want to spend more time with you. 


Dad said...

What's not to love with all that you shared. Wonderful daily and fall harvest, a new desk that I think is really cool and a night on the town. Great stuff!!

Lynne said...

How wonderful everything!

Justin said...

I have to say, the desk is AMAZING!